8 thoughts on “If only…

  1. Yeah, great idea. Except that those who would have to pass the law would then be subject to it. So, chance of happening?

    • Exactly.

      Or like that time they passed a bill to keep them from insider trading and once it quieted down, passed a bunch of little add-ins that nullified the first one.

  2. I could end the deficit in 5 minutes too. 435 members of our esteemed federal government heads on pikes decorating the seven bridges leading in to and out of DC with a sign at each end that reads “this is the fate of tyrants, traitors and people who represent themselves instead of their country’s best interest”.

  3. Gonna need more bridges…

    While a good start, not nearly thorough enough. Each of those 435 House members has a full time staff that counsel and advise the congress member. and provide input to these bills that become laws. They are unelected, and are part of the permanent “ruling class”

    You also have the Senate, 100 elected members, with even larger staffs, again permanent, non-elected, and “essential for the function of government”

    Thousands of un-elected upper and mid level administration senior executive service and civil service employees, over hundreds of agencies, who are overseeing their own fiefdoms, and interpret and enforce the rules to suit themselves.

    Not to mention the untold hordes of lawyers, lobbyists, and the like that will exploit every loophole, and take every advantage to get their proposals funded.

    Let’s not forget the members of the mainstream media, who have forsaken their responsibilities to present the facts in an unbiased manner, and have become the controlled propaganda service for the oligarchy the we now have for a government.

    The founders provided a road map for a small, efficient government that preserved maximum freedom for all Americans. Sadly, over many decades, it has been slowly and systematically dismantled by those who had a responsibility to preserve it.

    Damn them all…

  4. Isn’t this the same guy that complained his secretary paid more taxes than he does and he wished he could pay more? Did he ever stroke a check to the IRS just because he could? No.

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