If It’s St. Patrick’s Day Then It Must Be Time To Flog Molly Again

I had the extreme pleasure of being able to see these guys from the front row one time over in Portland with a good friend.. Let me tell ya from personal experience, the Mosh Pit at a Metallica concert ain’t got nothing on the drunken Irish bastards at these concerts.

It was an absolutely great show.

7 thoughts on “If It’s St. Patrick’s Day Then It Must Be Time To Flog Molly Again

  1. Don’t know…
    The Wall of Death at a Slaughter to Prevail concert might do it.
    I’ll let you know when I see them in September in Biloxi.
    Those fuckers ain’t gonna know what to think when a stout 60 year old with a long ass white goatee comes slamming into them.

    • Well since I can’t walk more than 100 feet on a good day or even be ON my feet for very long anymore, I’d have to give that a hard pass anyway.
      But, I was over forty when I did that back then at a hundred and forty five pounds.
      I certainly wasn’t afeared.
      Have a great time and try to take it easy on the youngun’s.

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