The above three pictures taken today of the swelling in my L calf and lower thigh. You can see the tell-tail redness associated with a DVT. Taking today, don’t mind the dates on these and the ones below, damn Chinese camera can’t hold a date in it’s memory. My current nurse Jennifer. She is a saint, puts up with my bullshit and dishes it out in equal tonnage…This blurry picture taken with my camera by my brother at the ER of the puncture wound in my left ankle back a few weeks ago. That dark area is almost dried blood, not cleaned out. I had to sit in ER for 3 hours before I was seen. Welcome to socialized medicine.This is my venous ulcer on the outside of my left lower leg above the ankle a week ago, taken by Jennifer.This is my venous ulcer five years ago after a skin graft that my body rejected…This date is correct. It was worse before the skin graft. It got worse after when they used a wound pump and I found out I am allergic/reactive to most medical grade adhesives. I can’t even put on a Micky Mouse Band-Aid without it bruising underneath the adhesive tabs.
39 thoughts on “If I have to look at and experience what I am going through, so you do you.”
Sucks, man. I wish you a successful recovery! To distract yourself as you heal, I can only offer you one a unique perspective on Tucker’s interview with Putin (backed up with all the necessary sources). I mean, there really is nowhere else to meet it, backed up by the necessary factual justification. In case you are interested in more details, scroll down and review the next comments of the same person. This, for example. And I argue that this is exactly the actual reason for the interview (review, open the links and review more if you wish).
Hyperbaric may be in your future. Seems to turn the tide for some. Sorry sir.
Nope, there are hidden problems in hyperbaric O2 therapy. You are under at least up to three atmospheres. It can lead to hyperoxia and can cause oxygen toxicity. High concentration of O2 for very short duration, acute toxicity manifests in CNS effects. Low concentration but longer duration, chronic toxicity manifests in pulmonary effects and I have had a severe Anhydrous Ammonia exposure which scarred my upper lung lobes. Oxygen is not your friend, it is like a dope head’s dealer, ya need it… It oxides everything including your cells. It wants you as rust.
Thanks for your info and particulars. HB sure helped my sis with her chronic leg wounds. She spent 2yrs in misery before she got different docs that put her on HB treatment
Still a slow road.
APPRECIATE the zany antics of you and Phil-bob.
There is a body of evidence that O2 therapy does have great benefits, but there is a body of evidence that O2 therapy doesn’t help and sometimes causes additional problems. I don’t want to take the chance. I have dealt with this leg ulcer for over 6 years and it is finally in a healing process.
I am going through O2 therapy for my leg ulcer right now. In my 35th session. It doesn’t seem to be helping my ulcer at all. Bad circulation plus diabetes is a real bad combination for old people (74 y.o.), but at least my mind is still fairly sharp.
‘Tis but a scratch, walk it off 😁
I’m sorry that you are going through all that, you are in my prayers.
Sandy, he’s been trying to get that swelling shifted to his old feller. Can you imagine being Cederq’s nurse?
Wow, Kevin, I just can’t imagine.
Suck it up buddy but remember we’re here for you if we can help.
I need my truck washed and vacuumed out…
That gave me the just-kicked-in-the-nuts feeling just looking at it.
Wishing you a most speedy recovery.
Ought to post the picture of the mass they took out of my R scrotum… Lost 40% of the testicle, but kept the orchid.
Dang, that looks bad. I’ve heard about the wound pump thing, so sorry to hear about your contraindication.
As long as you don’t post pics of your hemorrhoids, I’m good.
I’ve got the venus ulcers too. Bad circulation. Some comfort: In the Bible Jeremiah the prophet prays to GOD about the same thing. Look at Jeremiah 15:18.
CederQ, I know you wouldn’t be posting if you didn’t feel up to it, but please make sure to get your rest and extra rest. Prayers ongoing.
Leprosy mate.
I used to say it sucks getting old. Since having 12 screws and three lovely titanium rods installed in my neck I now say it sucks BEING old.
Heal well, Good Sir and do feel better.
Jesus Christ!
…and I thought I have problems with swelling in my lower legs. Man that’s awful looking. Praying for your recovery.
Oxygen therapy via hyperbaric chamber is what finally cured some leg wounds that started from a cat bite that became infected. Five days a week, three hours ‘in the hole’ each day.
What are the after effects from this ? This happened two years ago.
Geez. With everything going on with your body, the question that is on everyone’s mind needs be asked out loud:
Did you ever buy the extended warranty for your body? I KNOW they called you.
…..and I didn’t purchase any warranty either.
No, I hung up on them screaming don’t call me again and take me off your list assholes! Maybe I shouldn’t have called them an asshole and listened to their sales pitch…
Ya won’t be able to afford the payments. You’re too old.
CQ, between you and Phil, you have enough medical horror stories for a blog of nothing else. All I can say is, every time you have an issue, educate yourselves as best you can. To beat a crooked lawyer, you need to be a better lawyer. The same goes for Doctors. From that, define a goal, and make the baby steps toward it.
One of the souvenirs I’ve got from my colonoscopies is some glorious, full color snapshots from where “No man has gone before.”
Hoping for relief and healing for both of you.
Welcome to ObamaCare; nothing like this would’ve ever happened in the ’40s-60s.
Y’know, I can just about make out the halo around Jennifer’s head.
Best o’ Irish luckto y’
Had an severe tail pipe burn on my leg below the knee, I used colloidal silver water at high concentration, to stem infection. It worked well with no major scarring.
Yamaha 360 RT Enduro… tail pipe close to your inside upper thigh, loved to burn it if I didn’t take care.
You remind of when I was in the hospital for several days 10 years ago with pneumonia, asthma, sinus infection, and bronchitis all at the same time. I was in there long enough that the nurses figured out how they could talk to me. As I was checking out one came in with a syringe and said “Do you want a pneumonia shot? Because if you get pneumonia you’re gonna die.” I rolled up my sleeve. She said “That ain’t where it goes.” Get well and take care of yourself. Getting old ain’t for sissies.
Being a retired nurse I can break the bubble fairly quickly and we get to act like real people instead of putting on this proper political correct bull shite…
TMI dammit
Some of that need to be cut up and used to bait a trotline. Prolly only catch stupid turtles. (Get well, old man!)
I’ll keep you in my thoughts and get betters.
“Vitamin C is vital for collagen synthesis, and Vitamin E improves the production of collagen.
Vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy, a serious and painful disease in which defective collagen prevents the formation of strong connective tissue. Gums deteriorate and bleed, with loss of teeth; skin discolors, and WOUNDS THAT DO NOT HEAL.”
The problem with eating and living on a high carb diet is that it is by default a LOW VITAMIN C diet because vitamin C uses the same cell receptor as Glucose.
Since all carbs are sugar, and all sugars are carbs that metabolize down to 6 carbon glucose molecules in the bloodstream, eating a chronically high carb foods diet keeps the bloodsugar levels elevated all the time, which means the glucose receptors on the cell membranes are constantly tied up with handling glucose all the time, which means NO VITAMIN C gets into the cell to stimulate collagen formation and tissue granulation to heal wounds, repair and make new muscle, connective tissues & skin cells.
And THAT’S why diabetics, people with scurvy & other conditions have wounds that either don’t healor get progessively worse or take a loooooong time to heal.
Also remember, and never forget, that besides increasing blood viscosity & making your blood thick like honey or molasses and harder to pump, and both DEOXYGENATES your blood & impairs & reduces circulation, sugar also supresses the immune system for 6 to 8 hours or longer depending on how much carb & junk foods you eat and drink and how high you spike your blood sugar levels, and how much of the day, week & month your blood sugars and HbA1C’s are jacked up & out of whack from eating too damn much carbs.
If you haven’t already, start slowly reducing the amount of carb foods you buy and eat, and start eating more protein and good fats like butter, cheeeses and natural animal fats like bacon, meat fats and fatty fish. You can’t eat the junk carbs if you don’t buy them and are not in the pantry, cupboards and house. Google search Low Carb diet & see the stories of people that have corrected many health problems including diabetes just by changing how and what they eat.
Also see THE PESKIN COLLABORATIVE FOR ADVANCED WOUND/SURGICAL HEALING, A New Era in Expedited Healing Regardless of Underlying Etiology.
Dude…. that’s bad. That’s life threatening bad. Seen a lot in 4+ decades in radiology. That qualifies as ugly. Find a good doc, not all of them are, and do what they tell you.
Sending a prayer for you! I cared for my dad and his chronic leg ulcers that got progressively worse with age. He had underlying mrsa and staph that would get better then worse. several times we got em healed then a few months later they’d reappear. Diet was a lot of it. He loved his sugary snacks and empty carb goodies. He had all kinds of other issues but no diabetes. I tried lots of things. Pure raw honey and SSD ointments and proper pressure bandages and getting all the junk food out of the house usually worked best. Until the sweet tooth got the better of him. Then they would swell and tissue would start dying… We made numerous trips to wound care centers and several stints of IV abx over the years. Eventually the pneumonia got him. Take care my friend!.
Sucks, man. I wish you a successful recovery! To distract yourself as you heal, I can only offer you one a unique perspective on Tucker’s interview with Putin (backed up with all the necessary sources). I mean, there really is nowhere else to meet it, backed up by the necessary factual justification. In case you are interested in more details, scroll down and review the next comments of the same person. This, for example. And I argue that this is exactly the actual reason for the interview (review, open the links and review more if you wish).
Explanatory context, concerning the above.
Gnarly Dude!
Hyperbaric may be in your future. Seems to turn the tide for some. Sorry sir.
Nope, there are hidden problems in hyperbaric O2 therapy. You are under at least up to three atmospheres. It can lead to hyperoxia and can cause oxygen toxicity. High concentration of O2 for very short duration, acute toxicity manifests in CNS effects. Low concentration but longer duration, chronic toxicity manifests in pulmonary effects and I have had a severe Anhydrous Ammonia exposure which scarred my upper lung lobes. Oxygen is not your friend, it is like a dope head’s dealer, ya need it… It oxides everything including your cells. It wants you as rust.
Thanks for your info and particulars. HB sure helped my sis with her chronic leg wounds. She spent 2yrs in misery before she got different docs that put her on HB treatment
Still a slow road.
APPRECIATE the zany antics of you and Phil-bob.
There is a body of evidence that O2 therapy does have great benefits, but there is a body of evidence that O2 therapy doesn’t help and sometimes causes additional problems. I don’t want to take the chance. I have dealt with this leg ulcer for over 6 years and it is finally in a healing process.
I am going through O2 therapy for my leg ulcer right now. In my 35th session. It doesn’t seem to be helping my ulcer at all. Bad circulation plus diabetes is a real bad combination for old people (74 y.o.), but at least my mind is still fairly sharp.
‘Tis but a scratch, walk it off 😁
I’m sorry that you are going through all that, you are in my prayers.
Sandy, he’s been trying to get that swelling shifted to his old feller. Can you imagine being Cederq’s nurse?
Wow, Kevin, I just can’t imagine.
Suck it up buddy but remember we’re here for you if we can help.
I need my truck washed and vacuumed out…
That gave me the just-kicked-in-the-nuts feeling just looking at it.
Wishing you a most speedy recovery.
Ought to post the picture of the mass they took out of my R scrotum… Lost 40% of the testicle, but kept the orchid.
Dang, that looks bad. I’ve heard about the wound pump thing, so sorry to hear about your contraindication.
As long as you don’t post pics of your hemorrhoids, I’m good.
I’ve got the venus ulcers too. Bad circulation. Some comfort: In the Bible Jeremiah the prophet prays to GOD about the same thing. Look at Jeremiah 15:18.
CederQ, I know you wouldn’t be posting if you didn’t feel up to it, but please make sure to get your rest and extra rest. Prayers ongoing.
Leprosy mate.
I used to say it sucks getting old. Since having 12 screws and three lovely titanium rods installed in my neck I now say it sucks BEING old.
Heal well, Good Sir and do feel better.
Jesus Christ!
…and I thought I have problems with swelling in my lower legs. Man that’s awful looking. Praying for your recovery.
Oxygen therapy via hyperbaric chamber is what finally cured some leg wounds that started from a cat bite that became infected. Five days a week, three hours ‘in the hole’ each day.
What are the after effects from this ? This happened two years ago.
Geez. With everything going on with your body, the question that is on everyone’s mind needs be asked out loud:
Did you ever buy the extended warranty for your body? I KNOW they called you.
…..and I didn’t purchase any warranty either.
No, I hung up on them screaming don’t call me again and take me off your list assholes! Maybe I shouldn’t have called them an asshole and listened to their sales pitch…
Ya won’t be able to afford the payments. You’re too old.
CQ, between you and Phil, you have enough medical horror stories for a blog of nothing else. All I can say is, every time you have an issue, educate yourselves as best you can. To beat a crooked lawyer, you need to be a better lawyer. The same goes for Doctors. From that, define a goal, and make the baby steps toward it.
One of the souvenirs I’ve got from my colonoscopies is some glorious, full color snapshots from where “No man has gone before.”
Hoping for relief and healing for both of you.
Welcome to ObamaCare; nothing like this would’ve ever happened in the ’40s-60s.
Y’know, I can just about make out the halo around Jennifer’s head.
Best o’ Irish luckto y’
Had an severe tail pipe burn on my leg below the knee, I used colloidal silver water at high concentration, to stem infection. It worked well with no major scarring.
Yamaha 360 RT Enduro… tail pipe close to your inside upper thigh, loved to burn it if I didn’t take care.
You remind of when I was in the hospital for several days 10 years ago with pneumonia, asthma, sinus infection, and bronchitis all at the same time. I was in there long enough that the nurses figured out how they could talk to me. As I was checking out one came in with a syringe and said “Do you want a pneumonia shot? Because if you get pneumonia you’re gonna die.” I rolled up my sleeve. She said “That ain’t where it goes.” Get well and take care of yourself. Getting old ain’t for sissies.
Being a retired nurse I can break the bubble fairly quickly and we get to act like real people instead of putting on this proper political correct bull shite…
TMI dammit
Some of that need to be cut up and used to bait a trotline. Prolly only catch stupid turtles. (Get well, old man!)
I’ll keep you in my thoughts and get betters.
“Vitamin C is vital for collagen synthesis, and Vitamin E improves the production of collagen.
Vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy, a serious and painful disease in which defective collagen prevents the formation of strong connective tissue. Gums deteriorate and bleed, with loss of teeth; skin discolors, and WOUNDS THAT DO NOT HEAL.”
The problem with eating and living on a high carb diet is that it is by default a LOW VITAMIN C diet because vitamin C uses the same cell receptor as Glucose.
Since all carbs are sugar, and all sugars are carbs that metabolize down to 6 carbon glucose molecules in the bloodstream, eating a chronically high carb foods diet keeps the bloodsugar levels elevated all the time, which means the glucose receptors on the cell membranes are constantly tied up with handling glucose all the time, which means NO VITAMIN C gets into the cell to stimulate collagen formation and tissue granulation to heal wounds, repair and make new muscle, connective tissues & skin cells.
And THAT’S why diabetics, people with scurvy & other conditions have wounds that either don’t healor get progessively worse or take a loooooong time to heal.
Also remember, and never forget, that besides increasing blood viscosity & making your blood thick like honey or molasses and harder to pump, and both DEOXYGENATES your blood & impairs & reduces circulation, sugar also supresses the immune system for 6 to 8 hours or longer depending on how much carb & junk foods you eat and drink and how high you spike your blood sugar levels, and how much of the day, week & month your blood sugars and HbA1C’s are jacked up & out of whack from eating too damn much carbs.
If you haven’t already, start slowly reducing the amount of carb foods you buy and eat, and start eating more protein and good fats like butter, cheeeses and natural animal fats like bacon, meat fats and fatty fish. You can’t eat the junk carbs if you don’t buy them and are not in the pantry, cupboards and house. Google search Low Carb diet & see the stories of people that have corrected many health problems including diabetes just by changing how and what they eat.
Also see THE PESKIN COLLABORATIVE FOR ADVANCED WOUND/SURGICAL HEALING, A New Era in Expedited Healing Regardless of Underlying Etiology.
Less Scarring, Fewer Patient Post-Ops, 25%-35% Faster Healing with Essential Fatty Acids.
Also see “Chronic Wound / Diabetic Ulcer Healing / Surgical Healing: A New Plant-Based Treatment Clinically Effective in Just 30 Days”
by Brian Scott Peskin, BSc; Amid Habib, MD; Jeff Matheson, MD
Dude…. that’s bad. That’s life threatening bad. Seen a lot in 4+ decades in radiology. That qualifies as ugly. Find a good doc, not all of them are, and do what they tell you.
Sending a prayer for you! I cared for my dad and his chronic leg ulcers that got progressively worse with age. He had underlying mrsa and staph that would get better then worse. several times we got em healed then a few months later they’d reappear. Diet was a lot of it. He loved his sugary snacks and empty carb goodies. He had all kinds of other issues but no diabetes. I tried lots of things. Pure raw honey and SSD ointments and proper pressure bandages and getting all the junk food out of the house usually worked best. Until the sweet tooth got the better of him. Then they would swell and tissue would start dying… We made numerous trips to wound care centers and several stints of IV abx over the years. Eventually the pneumonia got him. Take care my friend!.