4 thoughts on “I’d Be Tickled Shitless Myself

  1. I grew up poor.
    I never envied others.
    I went to work.
    I now am happily retired without having to VOTE for a living.

    Oh, guess what?
    At the age of 73 I picked up a new hobby.
    I now go to the range once a week and am ready to defend what I WORKED for.

  2. A statement intended as an insult is only a reflection of the prejudices of the speaker when the audience takes no insult of it.
    Great statement to alienate some of your potential supporters.
    Would someone please give me one rational and verifiable reason to justify Harris as POTUS? Until that reason is produced, I have no understanding why anyone would advertise their support of such a candidate.

  3. I prefer my unleaky RV to living in a house or apartment. If the neighbors are assholes or the neighborhood gets infested with trash haitians or undesirables, liberals I can leave simply and go somewhere else.

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