6 thoughts on “I would too, as well as the walls and the faggot that stands next to me.

    • We’re going to find out Friday. Rumor has it he might get See Eye Aaa Director so he can finally find out who really killed his Uncle. Once that announcement is made, if it’s See Eye Aaa, watch the scramble to either deny him access or “lose” all of the documents.

      HHS wouldn’t be bad either. The revolving door between CDC and big Pharma needs to be closed, forever, along with the patent scheme for CDC/NIH personnel that get never ending “royalties” for drugs they are responsible for approving. That’s pure corruption at its finest.

      Clawing back or forfeiting all of those “royalties” from all active and retired former CDC/NIH employees would be nice too. All of the patents, currently held by present and former CDC and NIH personnel should become U.S. Government property.

      Who wouldn’t like to see Fraudci squirming as he’s marched to the Treasury with a wheel barrow full of his ill gotten $millions?

      All that forfeited money and all future “royalties” put towards reducing the national debt would be a nice outcome.

      Ask yourself why the Blood Thinner Apixaban(generic Eliquis) is almost $600.00/mth in the US, but in Canada it’s $88.00 for the exact same thing.

      One word. Corruption.

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