20 thoughts on “I Would Have A Very Serious Problem With This

  1. What kind of parents would allow or encourage their child to get anywhere near that? There should be a problem with that too. If compliance were to stop, much of the denigration would also.

      • What about the parents that drag their kids along to witness the depravity of any ‘Gay’ Mardi Gras in various world centres? Surely that’s justifiable grounds for removing the children from their care.

    • Everyone’s talking about the “parents”, but I wonder, are any *dads* on board with this crap, or is it all the moms?

  2. Oh yikes!!! Bad. Very bad. An example of the desensitization of multiple, younger generations to the evil that walks the earth. Not to mention the grown ass man soliciting hugs from children. Stranger danger anyone? They are also desensitizing those generations to abcLGBT, etc. Can you say drag queen story time at the local library? 😳 A bunch of sick fucks in my opinion.

  3. shotgun is a better choice. say 4-6 guys with them. loaded with buckshot and salt.
    or maybe salt shells first then buckshot.

  4. Desensitization first, then acceptance.
    Satan has a very strong hold on men’s hearts now. Hold fast and wear the whole armor of God!

  5. The on!y reason some people are alive is because it’s illegal to kill them….this is one that needs killing.

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