8 thoughts on “I Thought They Were Supposed To Be Really Smart?

  1. There’s actually a logical explanation (well, logical to animals). When there are only the treads, but no riser boards, the treads will appear to be floating in the air with no means of support under them. This is scary for an animal. They don’t want to jump on something that doesn’t seem to have any support from the ground. The stair jacks on the side are not enough to do away with the illusion that there is nothing under the step supporting it.

  2. He’s definitely not stupid. Thinking outside the box often has that impression though. He complied eventually no?

  3. I had a collie that was terrified of stairs too. Mostly because they were a little slick and she never quite got the coordination down between front and rear legs all hitting the steps in sequence. So there was a lot of slipping and sliding depending on whether she was trying to go up or down. Mostly she just stood in the basement and whined until I took her out thru the garage and then into the backyard.

  4. I have owned three terriers in current house, Scotty, Westie and now a Cairn.
    Only the scotty would go down the stairs to the basement, and back up with us. The other two have to be carried down, but will come back up on their own. Never understood this, the stairs are blocked and have bits of carpet to enable better grip by paws. 3 steps out of the house to the yard, nary a problem in any direction, 12 to basement – problem. Go figure.

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