14 thoughts on “I Think I Like This Guy For Some Reason.

  1. There won’t be a (s)election.
    What they really want are more distractions and crises so they can postpone the (s)election.
    Civil unrest?
    Take your pick.
    Welcome to the clown show!

  2. I don’t understand why the young veterans aren’t getting together. You Know they gotta be Pissed.

  3. Preaching to the choir, bud.

    OTOH, The Great Unwashed Masses keep swallowing the bilge until all this crap punches them in the throat. Hard.

    2024 gonna be spicy. Will the Sheeple finally turn on the wolf?

    • Igor History repeats itself BECAUSE it’s human nature written large.

      The sheeple will always be the sheeple, ready to BAAAAH along with the Media until they are led to slaughter.

      Wish I could insert that meme of sheep in a chute to the slaughterhouse, where one sheep says to the other “now is not the time to resist”.

      The Media will tell them what to think, including who to HATE for their “Troubles.”

      You might want to read 1984 about that.

      The Media will make those that resist the target of sheeple hate. So please stop the vote harder stuff and the sheeple “waking up” stuff.

  4. Why doesn’t somebody do something? Where are you going to start? Your neighbor? City Hall? It’s ALL PERVASIVE, gonna punch the air?
    Withdraw your consent, don’t use plastic, cash only, eat non GMO foods, help the parallel economy, let the Clown Show burn from self induced immolation.

    • Yes, non compliance is about all we have left as a free people. Disconnect as much as possible from the system.

  5. The coming election is the best thing that can happen to help wake up the normies. The more shenanigans before or after the election the better. Keep in mind state governments are as corrupt as the Feds. TX and FL are theater.

    The other problem is what can each individual do? These assholes are encouraging an invasion from the south, inflating our money into worthlessness, probably setting up the next pandemic, picking a fight with Russia and China and Iran, siphoning off as much money as possible and lastly destroying any trust our society has with one another.

    Stay warm!

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