6 thoughts on “I Resemble That Remark

    • YUP. although the scars and other damage was not planned on in the beginning of said “fun”. just kind of happen.
      anyway, still have some great stories to tell afterwards !
      had photo proof of a very good time in Venice but the ex-wife found them years ago and I have no idea what happen to them.
      shame too. that was a very good time !
      and one other time the pictures where “taken” by the U.S. Army.
      something about trying to start a war or some other bullshit.
      cost me a couple of stripes and a bit of my pay for 2 months.

  1. *BEEP* “I am currently out of my mind. If, perchance, ayou find it, please leave me a message as to where I can pick it up. Thank You!”

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