7 thoughts on “I never close the door…

  1. “I never close the door” until after the deposit is made. Controls the stink from migrating to other rooms.

  2. Massive dump after half a cup, yup, same here. Except that generally happens at 4:30 am. I just don’t understand people who take their first cup at some coffee shop after the sun’s already come up. I’m already an hour into work by that point. Must be one of those white women things you see on TV shows. I guess my privilege is showing.

    • I take pity on my guests and I will reluctantly close the door, mainly cuz I want you to come back… Now, If I never want you back, that is another story, or dump.

  3. Why would you deny yourself (and others) the aftermath emanating from dropping a world class deuce? Sharing is a positive personality trait.

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