13 thoughts on “I Need To Ask Leigh If He Has Tried This

  1. I once had a Renault that I SWEAR could have used an exorcist. Worst POS car I ever owned.

    • After 20+ years of working on various Naval Aircraft, can verify.
      One of my former squadrons went so far as to name one of their birds “Christine”.

      And Chevrolet will only begin to heal themselves after extracting a blood sacrifice.

  2. Mine was that 2003 Jeep Grand Cherokee that I just couldn’t get to run properly after I rebuilt the engine. We’ve since found the culprit, though, and I’m waiting until after the Holidays to get it fixed. Another thousand bucks. Sigh.

    Cheaper’n a NEW Jeep, fer suuuure!

    • Years ago wife had a grand Cherokee. Always a little pain in the ass issues, and then the rattle started. Three mechanics later nothing. Friend recommended a new mechanic, this was after a year or two. He knew exactly what it was fixed it and sold that sumbitch. Never owned one but I have a bid 90s brand new Dodge trucks story I can only tell over a beer. I will never have Chrysler around again. Sorry boys.

  3. That looks like a bad one – a cathedral port LS in a Square Body. Definitely need some serious mojo from Edelbrock to put that monster in its place. 😉

    Having exorcised plenty a demon spirit from such possessed pieces of shit, ’86 Jaguar and a ’05 HEMI RAM, some times you have to resort to driving a torch through their cold lifeless hearts. Then crush the bastards, before they torment some other poor soul, as the never ending “PROJECT”.

    Whitehall, NY

  4. 73 Vega. I was standing out in the driveway and poked my finger through a rust spot. On a hunch, I reached under and poked through the pan. I then realized I was about to fall through and run over my dumb ass for buying one. I will bet there are none in existence today. Some GM bastards need to die a horrible death.

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