I Must Be Turning Into A Wuss In My Old Age

I mean really?

Just because we shattered the high temp record today by 3 degrees doesn’t mean I should be hiding in the house with the A/C on does it?

Fuck yes it does.

I got nothing to prove to nobody at this point in my life.

It is currently 96 degrees out, the record for this date was 93.

Al Gore must have a boner.

And yeah yeah, all you poor bastards down in Texas and shit can laugh all you want at us pussies up here in the Pacific North West.

Anything over 95 around here will start killing old folks who don’t have air conditioning.

We ain’t used to that shit.

25 thoughts on “I Must Be Turning Into A Wuss In My Old Age

  1. It makes a big difference when you get north of 60. I used to be able to do hard physical labor no matter how hot it got. Just give me plenty of cool water and I could go all day. But something happens to a guy physiologically when he gets older and he just can’t take the heat like he used to.
    No apologies necessary. That’s just the way it is.

    • Sclerosis will do that, it doesn’t get any better with age.

      Once the circulating pump’s pipes get crudded up, Game Over.

  2. Got to 102 here in paradise… I even turned on the AC today for the first time for Guido as I had to leave her in my apartment as it was too friggen hot to keep her in the truck.

  3. Should be in the mid 70’s here, cooling down from the low 80’s. Instead, it’s 62F, and humid. Probably due to El Nino. Just pulled up the national heat index – still sucks down South, but not as bad as a few days ago. Definitely wierd-ass weather. I don’t have the tolerance for heat or cold I used to. With all the unusual rain, it’ll still be humid when it warms up.

  4. My sympathies, brother. I’ve lived everywhere from St. Maries, Idaho to Las Vegas to Coalville, Utah, to Denver, to Katy, Tx. We currently live at 7500 ft elevation in the desert SW. IMHO there is a range of temperature that folks in a given area live within and as long as the temp stays within the normal bounds of that range everything is manageable. When it gets in the upper or lower extreme of the range things get uncomfortable-to-miserable in a hurry. When I’ve lived between 10 and 80 degrees, then 90 seems pretty rough. When we lived in Vegas, 112 was fine grilling weather, but when we got down to 35 in the winter it was miserable! That all said, the coldest night I ever lived through was in Rocky Mountain National Park at elevation in July, and the hottest day I ever remember was cutting 10k sf of thick bladed grass in the middle of July in Katy. Haha.

    • If you lived in Katy, TX you know about humid heat. I spent two summers just down the road in Brookshire in 79 & 80. I was really glad to get back to the dry Texas Panhandle after that.

      • My Daughter is in Brookshire. When it’s not being baked, you have to paddle around to where it seems. She’s there… I’m in SW Flawduh. We have a “Who’s HOTTER” competition going all the time. I usually lose. And when we have a “Who’s COLDER” competition… well.. I ALWAYS lose that for sure.

  5. Way back in the bad ol’ days, I would go running in this or any other kind of weather. Start with a beer, and a couple more at the finish line. Heat slowed my pace a tad, but the sweat would roll off me in buckets.
    I can also not so fondly recall roofing in heat like this. We’d start as soon as it was daylight enough to see, and knock off by 2:00pm. That cold beer at quittin’ time was unbelievable.
    Nowadays, I’m with you Phil. That kind of nonsense would kill me in a quick minute.

  6. well, it did get into the 80’s here in the hills of pa. all the trees help it stay sort of cool
    but out on the flats it gets bad. real muggy as hell though.
    it will rain for mad for 10-20 minutes and then the heat just steams.
    going thru a lot of water with this mess. the only good part is it will still drop down into the 60’s at night. doesn’t get into the 90’s up here that often.
    but in the winter it can stay in the teens and sometimes below.
    once a couple of winters ago it dropped to 6 degrees and stayed there for a while. used a bit of firewood that week.

  7. Down in Texas but not laughing at all. Heat stroke and heat exhaustion are some serious shit and just harder to recover from the older you get. When I’m out doing the yard work in the summer in Texas I stop at 10:00 am and get back inside. Stay cool, hydrate, get some potassium.

  8. Been in the 80s and 90s but not that humid—yet. Today-Fri mid 70s. Some relief.

  9. TCB, Phil!
    Been in the mid 70’s and raining here for the last two days, and the next three or four are gonna be wet, too. Helps the farmers and ranchers as long as it doesn’t flood.

  10. If you have to work outside in Hell’s Annex, try dunking your entire forearm up to mid bicep in ice water.

  11. I saw something the other day about Texas heat compared to the rest of y’all that made me laugh that said “ we just call this preheating”

  12. Phil, I agree with you. Today on 6th July in Cairns it was 30C (maybe 90F, ask Igor), but it’s the middle of winter here in the Southern Hemisphere. I’m considering moving to Antarctica!

    • 30C is only 86F, ya wuss!

      Been from -75F to 120F. Most of it in North Dakota! NoDak Land is … special.

      Let’s hear it for adiabatic expansion! And to the guys who made it work!!

  13. It’s 90 with the humidity at 70% so we have a heat index of 102 here in the ATL.

    If I had that dog his name would be Jethro or Jed.

  14. Keep cool up yonder. I always wonder how you guys manage without ac when it gets hot. Our rent house in Houston had a fan that pulled air into the attic. I’d crack open the windows at night and the breeze was worthless. I got some spray bottles and we’d squirt water up in the air and it would cool us for about ten seconds. We woke up in puddles of sweat until we saved up for a window ac unit.

    I’m trying to figure out how to put some insulation in this barn without killing myself. Every time I get to the point to start that project, something else blows up and takes the time and money. I sealed up the south and west windows last summer with some foil backed styrofoam. Made a big difference in the ac bill.

    Last week it was 105ish, but I did manage to keep my shade tree mechanic skills up. This week, it’s been better. But it ain’t August yet, and that can get pretty brutal. Heat usually breaks in October, some times September depending on the weather cycle. I’m hoping this el nino cycle breaks it early.

  15. It’s finally cooling down under 100 here in central california. I’m like you Phil, turn on the a/c and close the house up and stay inside. The yard work and car work will still be there when the temp gets bearable.

  16. Read a piece somewhere yesterday claiming hottest temp EVER recorded FOR THE WORLD on Wednesday. HTF they know that was. of course not explained, except CLIMATE CHANGE. Oh, and temperature records FOR THE WORLD only go back to 1979 according to the story, so there’s that.

  17. Got a brother that lives in Deming, NM. He’s looking for some high temps over the next few days. His swamp cooler helps some.
    I was there at the beginning of March. They had blowing snow. Wind was a bitch.
    Here in south AL it’s been in the high eighties to the mid nineties for the last couple of weeks. Humidity makes it a killer.

    Evil Franklin

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