6 thoughts on “I like my naps…

  1. I usually only sleep 5 to 6 hours a night, it’s been like that as far back as i can remember, so a short 10-15 nap every day is my recharge. A good brain reboot

  2. I didn’t make it. Asthma attack kicked in and had to hit the albuterol and I usually have to go lay down. Having a tough time with weather going all over the place. rain, shine, hot, cold and high winds with every change knock me on my ass.

    • Sorry to hear that, my lady has been going through that for too long. Albuterol and nebulizer, daily. I thank the Lord daily for allowing me her company. Together 48 years so far. She needs a few naps per day. I do between 1 and 5 a week, hey, it’s not my fault I’m old, weak and lazy!…oh, wait…

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