Some full gas cans.

For the first time in a long time, gas went under $4 a gallon around here.
Even one of the most expensive stations in the area had it for $3.99 yesterday.
I paid $3.89 a gallon when I filled up my truck last week and I’m pretty sure it has come down a little from there even.
I’m going to go round up all my empties, find my Stabil and go fill them up again before it goes back up again.
Dirty sonsabitches anyway.
Merry Christmas to you too, fuckers.
make sure it is the corn free stuff. the non corn gas is 4.09 around here now.
used to be about 4.30 or so. I have 30 gallons on hand right now and thinking of getting more as I don’t think prices are going to stay low for long.
was even thinking about getting a 55 gallon drum to fill up and keep in the shed.
I have put locks on the heating oil tanks already outside. heating oil is over 6 bucks
around here. and I would rather heat the house with wood than oil.
there over 6 cords of seasoned firewood under the carport right now.
I hear firewood is up as well too. used to get a good cord of wood for around 300
the guy down the road paid 375 for a load of ash and oak last week.
the problem is, it doesn’t really warm up around here until late April -early May.
not looking good for a lot of people this winter.
I lucked out and found a Springfield SA-35 at the local gun store the day before turkey day. went in to grab some 22lr they had on sale and saw it.
I be eating on the cheap side for a while till next year, but it worth it!
it is a sweet shooting pistol. put 100 rounds thru it on Friday and it torn the bullseye out with no problem at 30 yards. FMJ, HP and cast lead heads all went thru it no problem! next up is getting more magazines and a good holster for it.
I happy with my Christmas gift to myself this year !
DROOLING over the SA-35. I hear it is identical to the Browning Hi-Power and is better in some ways. True?
Hi-Power was my first pistol, and i’m SCARY GOOD with it, but after roughly 25K rounds, I don’t wanna beat it up more than I need to.
I have had 2 hi powers in the past. one was a browning that I lost in the divorce and later I happen on a Inges ones that ended up getting sold to help pay medical bills
the SA-35 shoot great. doesn’t bite like the other two did.
and it just feels better than the other two did.
fit and finish are very good on it. nice wood on the grips too.
managed to put another 200 rounds of lead handloads thru it
and it is more accurate than the ones I owned before. 1 to 1.5 inch groups at 25 yards are easy to do.
and hitting a 9 inch paper plate at 50 is not that much harder to do.
lead bullet is 124 grain back by 4.6 grains of bullseye
CCI primer. Lee mold, flat nose cone bullet. doesn’t lead up the bore either.
the 100 yard range was in use by some guys zeroing in their rifles (deer season here ) so, I didn’t get a chance to see how far it can go.
my first pistol was dad’s 1911 in 45 acp.
came across the browning in the army for 125 in 1975 as a guy needed money to get home.
$2.959/gallon here on I-81 in Virginia.
Every gas container I have is full. Figure there is about 30 gallons on hand. That covers snow removal, lawn mowing and gas generator for emergencies and could fill wife’s car a couple of times if things get real bad.
My cars run on diesel and that sucker has been consistently $1.0/gal ABOVE regular gas price. Grrrr.
Doing the same here.
20 Kerosene at $5.99 a gal
35 Regular at 3.19
Some knockoff jerry cans on the way
Do you use those new style plastic gas cans? I hate them. Got to order nozzle kits like the old style pour spouts to make the can usable for me.
I hate those plastic bastards.
I only have a couple of them, most of mine are old school steel.
I snag them every chance I get.
One way around the problem is to put a long funnel into the gas fill and remove the nozzle from the can and pour into the funnel. I do that and it works well. Have 35 gallons of stabil filled gas in those stupid cans, gonna have to rotate it again soon. Remember, when you need the gas it doesn’t matter what the price per gallon was when you bought it. Just as long as you have the gas.
$3.089 for unleaded here in WNC. Kero is $6.599.
$2.69 in Central Texas.
+1 on the NO ETHANOL! Keeps for a longer time, and better for smaller engines, like Morbark woodchippers.
You win the innerwebz of the day again DMM. Yes I bought recently below $2.80 a gallon. Today I will be able to see where my area is at again.
the problem is finding a station with no ethanol fuel. none around here locally anymore. the one station that did carry it stopped last summer.
so, I either go into town-35 miles away and pick up some when shopping or
make a special trip to a another town 12 miles away just to get fuel- no shopping there to speak of (?) I keep get the feeling there is going to be hell to pay next summer for everything.
a lot of countries are moving away from the dollar, Russia. China and the big one
the house of Saudi. stuff is going to be worth more than any amount of paper money here soon, I think. and the clowns in charge(?) don’t have a clue about what to do either I bet.
my mom told me something I never forget, “judge the price of something compared to your need for it ”
most people today could not live thru a time like the 1930’s here.
it not going to be a pretty or fun time for anyone
I use my 97 gallon tank in the Beaver for my bulk storage (Sta-Bil added, as well)
Ethanol-free gas around here is 75 cents more than Regular. I have to go to Idaho to get gas below $4/gallon because Dimslee and the Merry Band of Slugislators decided to raise taxes again on each gallon of gas. I swear that Idiot in Olympia is trying to one-up Grabbin Gruesome in Californicators Country.
I can hardly wait to see my Natural Gas and electricity bill next month.
Pure gas here in Oregon is $6.50/gallon.
Wavian-made NATO spec gas cans:
Decent deal. NOT knock-offs. The real thing. They sell the good nozzles, too.
I ordered a four-pack