24 thoughts on “I Just Found A New Hobby

  1. I want 2! Being a veteran, one is none, 2 is one…

  2. That is seriously cute. I have a .50 barrel I’d intended to make into a civil war style cannon, need to get busy.

  3. Technical Guy Here!

    Two schools of thought:

    CNC Lathe and Mill. Production at it’s finest.

    OR (and this is where you have no overhead)

    You create drawings on a laptop with free CAD and find some small shops to quote the parts.

    You can work in your easy chair in your jammies.

    Sub out the machining and plating and have a small assembly and shipping bench in your garage. Easy-peasy. No mess, no fuss.

    Might want to consider a good lawyer too. For when things go stupid and you get sued.

    Other than those few points, I don’t see any downside!

    • We had to make a small brass cannon in college in my machining course, it was a good learning experience doing that.

  4. Having a small shop here in NH, I already looked for some stock in the parts bin. Looking more for a howitzer type of setup than a rolling cannon.
    Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. 12 gauge, 2 3/4″ 00 buck and slugs, quad barrel would be great. Even better would be mounted on a miniature radio controlled tank chassis. One for the front door, one for the back door

    • well, now a 12 gauge with a 3.5 chamber is what you want.
      that way you can use the Winchester shell with number 4 buck in them. 54 pellets in EACH round. say a 6-10 inch barrel and maybe
      a good and simple breech loading setup ?
      put it about 10 feet from the door angled up to hit them in the knees
      would be a good way to stop a home invasion. what do you think ?
      maybe a duck foot setup might work better,,,,,

  6. Nah, go big or go home. I saw a video many many years ago of a cannon made out of pipe. Ammo was those big perforated wiffle balls filled with concrete that fit the barrel ID.

  7. Hmmmmm… what’s the maximum chamber pressure, I wonder?

    I reload hot loads, so I wouldn’t want to split a barrel…………

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