4 thoughts on “I have nothing…

  1. We have something similar in S FL. It’s called “Alligator Alley”. The section of 1-75 that runs East – West across the Everglades. 80 miles across and really quite desolate in areas.

  2. That’s Ten Mile Stretch going out the gate at Fort Irwin. Spent my last few years in the Army out there. If it wasn’t in Commiefornia, I’d still be out there somewhere. Gotta love the Mojave. Eod1sg Ret

  3. There used to be a sign similar to that on RT 9W coming out of Calais, ME. If memory serves(which these days it probably doesn’t) the sign said something to the effect “No Services Next 100 miles” “No Gas No Food Nothing” and the trees so thick you couldn’t see 20 feet into woods that started where the hot top ended. I don’t recall passing another car or truck on that stretch and there was no one behind me. January 1968, no snow thank the Lord.

  4. I’ve seen signs similar to that on my motorcycle travels and thought, “that isn’t far enough.”

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