I Have A New Theme Song!

I’ve had so many POS rigs over the years that I literally can’t remember them all anymore. I count that as a blessing. No joke, I could literally write SEVERAL books about my adventures with POS rigs. Pretty close to 60 by now, I’m positive.

That’s why when I found this, I made it mine.

9 thoughts on “I Have A New Theme Song!

  1. Y’know, on most of those all you need is a new set of tires and a rattle-can paint job…


  2. What is make/model is the POS in the vid thumbnail?

    Looks like the one that was in Romancing the Stone back when Kathleen Turner was a fox.

  3. So many memories from when I was making soul crushing support payments and was in the “shitbox club”, then to add insult to injury I lived in a state where vehicle inspections were mandatory.

  4. My favorite was a ’78 Ford Courier. Got it for free. Only had front brakes and a serious power drain when the headlights were on. I knew it would never pass smog again and the Peoples Republic of Kahlifonia would give me $800 for it. Found out that they would pay low income people $1500. I gifted it to my daughter who was in college. She made $500 for picking me up at the wrecking yard.

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