That’s why I never let anyone get near me with one of those either.
If you haven’t figured out they are trying to kill us all six ways from Sunday yet then get a load of this.
Oh by the way, want to know where some of those test kits came from?
The time is coming when Joe and Jane Sixpack finally wake the fuck up.
That time is coming soon.
I quit trusting the government before I hit puberty.
The fact that this information is coming out now doesn’t surprise me in the least.
a long time ago, used to know a guy who worked for the public gas company.
he would never eat anything cooked over natural gas. he told me about it is how they get rid of a lot of shit that would kill you outright by itself. forget the names
of the shit they put in with the gas now. but he would never eat at burger king.
and that was back in 1970. good job if you could get it. but I was the wrong color
to be hired there. image that ? kind of funny, but back in 1976, I was with the 101st and the swine flu was all the rage. we where to get the vaccine in like 2 days
or so, but it got pulled because 5 people died from the shots. I guess they cared a bit more for us back than compared to now. so, faith in the gov’t ? I lost that a
very long time ago as well. I like to read history, so faith in gov’t is nil to none.
and the assholes now ? shit. I don’t think anyone trust these assholes
getting gas today in the town over from me and I stopped counting the FJB and wolf sucks signs and flags after 20 of them.
FTG. Fuck the guvmint. Those assholes convinced me to sign up for 4 years in the navy, in 1970, with an agreement to reenlist for 2 more years when 4 was up and get $3000 for the signup. 3 years in the effing congress rescinded everyone of those reenlistment signup bonuses. But I was forced to reenlist or consequences. FTG. A class action lawsuit and 4 years later everyone got their bonus. Don’t rely on these cocksuckers to have anyone’s interest at heart but their own.
Disclaimer. I do not trust the gov, nor do I support or approve of the vaxx or anything else the gov pushes. That being said, I’m gonna play the devils advocate with this topic.
Anyone on the wrong side of the bell curve, who can’t read, comprehend and follow simple instructions deserves the incidental, toxic exposure from sodium azide. A natural culling in my opinion. Darwin trophies awarded to them all. You don’t need a class in quantum physics in order to be able to follow the instructions. Stupid is as stupid does.
To add a little point to this, I notice nobody said that anyone died. If someone had died, they would have led with that.
Like you say, Sandy, if they can’t or won’t read the instructions and get sick, maybe even the left tail of the bell curve would say, “gee, last time I took a Covid test I got sick. I won’t do that again.” Hell, dogs and cats learn that way. Even the left end of the curve learns not to put a screwdriver into a wall outlet. Granted some of them get it as the last lesson of their life.
As far as hazard rate goes, it doesn’t seem worth worrying about, but neither does the virus. I don’t see a reason for taking the test.
Made in China. Or Philippines. Or some turf-world country where labor is CHEAP!.
Just, no..
I hear that commercial daily about getting 8 free, no copay, test kits a month and the grift just pisses me off.
Sick evil bastards if true and not fear porn. Either way God will have his say in this.
Never ending testing & boosters…. but wait, there’s more!
My suspicions concerning the gub’meyent and COVID in general aside, I don’t see the issue here. The instructions in these kits are kindergarten-simple. If you can’t follow them, you probably voted for Biden, and should leave the gene pool anyway…