9 thoughts on “I Gotta Admit That I Did Not See That Coming

  1. Thanks for the reminder that I needed to rotate the batteries on the honkin’ flashlights. If ya can’t beat ’em, blind ’em! Those things tend to be out of sight, out of mind.

    Looks like you got the std. milspec FCG. If you’re lucky, it isn’t rough as a cob. Another reminder – I’ve been meaning to pick up a better one for AR #1. Has anyone here tried one from ALG Defense?

    • as triggers go, I really like the ones made by Larue. they used to be be like 87 bucks on sale. but going for 115 now a days. still a damn good trigger ! I have read some good things about stoning your trigger, but never tried it myself. I have Larue triggers in 3 of my AR platforms and they all “feel” the same. nice even break.
      just a really nice two stage trigger.

  2. I have been reliably informed by the Left that Haiti is a shining example of the best that humanity, sorry, hupersonaity can create.

    • I think they’re leaning towards shipping in about a million Palestinians for our Vibrant, Diverse, Strength.

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