17 thoughts on “I concur with all the items except for number fourteen, I don’t believe in a “Fair” fight.

  1. One thing I learned a long time ago is if you find yourself in a fair fight your tactics suck! Nothing like Speed, Surprise, and Violence of Action to help you win the day.

  2. yea, not so sure about the last one there. figure the next war will be a civil one.
    which is kind of misleading as there will be nothing civil about it.
    these asshole want us to suffer before we die, so. return the favor.
    sniping takes a bit of skill, remember how the IRA did it back in the 1970’s
    one shot and vanish. make them chase their tails trying to find you.
    the chechens made the russians mad and insane with this tactic.
    most of the time, a 22 rifle with a home made can and a dirt bike.
    take the shot and out the back door before the guy hit the floor.
    bike was driven by another, the shooter just had to hop on.
    and then all of the many uses of IED like the ragheads used in both sandboxes
    fire and flame weapons work very well in urban warfare. from BOTH side of it.
    they can and will be used against you.
    sewers and other pathway under any city will be used to great effect by people
    I used to help teach this stuff to troops in west berlin back in the day
    back in the late 1970’s you only limited by what you can think up and use.
    as before, the most important 6 inches on your body is between your ears !
    one time a old iron bath tub was dropped out a 2 story window to pin a brit tank
    made a hell of a noise, but it did pin the tank in place.
    we where not allowed to do that afterwards though. rules ?

    • No rules. the People have to start fighting for their lives, our lives. Once again there are no rules. Wake up. Where were the rules when pedo joe won the election. yep you guessed it ……..all the rules were still there in place.But no one cared. The rules, the laws, mean nothing now as it did back then. As our founding fathers drafted the Constitution outlining the framework for our country. They envisioned a country that was totally free and governed by the PEOPLE by their CONSENT. Free for all virtuous People. Freedom to do as you like all the while being accountable for your actions.. Voting is a thing of the past. Now the PEOPLES consent will ride from the barrel of a gun. May sound severe but the People have the GOD given right to fight and cast out the communists from America.

      • You are right, you think .gov is going to handle captured fighters well? I don’t take prisoners. There will atrocities galore on both sides. Our only saving grace is upwards of 74 million ex combat service men, experienced hunters, deserting service members bringing military stores with them and pissed off rednecks wanting to git some payback…

        • Right you are sir. Sporty times are right around the corner. No prisoners, No excuses.


        • Not giving anybody ideas or making a statement, but my old combat arms instructor always told us “dead men tell no tales”.

    • Hey Dave, 78-80 Templehof Central Airport, 6912th Electronic Security Command (Merianfeld Site). Always thought that if crap hit the fan, we were already in the biggest concentration camp and it wasn’t going to be pretty.

      • Smokey, I was an MP at Berlin Barracks in 77/79 and we thought if the shit came down, just erect a POW camp sign on the front gate.

  3. # 14 lol wear markings that identify you. LOL gotchha covered.As such WE’ll be covered. Like someone said…stay small all the time. do what you can. go for the low hanging fruit. Learn where the eyes and ears are for the man. Cameras everywhere. Stop light looky loos are pointed right at you when you stop. connect the dots. do what yoou can when you can.

  4. I have a problem with #14 as well. I am fighting for survival and I will be using every dirty trick I know.

  5. Got a problem with 8. 1-3 small unit size max. Even at that scale you really risk being id’. Two an keep a secret if one is dead. If a team member goes missing it’s best to cry havoc and loose the dogs etc.

  6. #14 is simply paraphrasing the Geneva convention, which has not been observed by any of our recent enemies, it is a dead duck.

    If there is to be war, we win by any means necessary as our enemy will attempt to do exactly that. Anyone that forgets the axioms of the so called prophet Mo, that it is perfectly OK to lie, cheat, kill and stall by faking while you regroup, has no business being around much less make decisions.

    I also posit to you that if/when Putin starts talking about conventions and rules of war, it is because he is losing his ass.

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