I can imagine quite a few people south east of me thinking this….

From Pitsnipes Gripes


I have been saying on here, harden your hearts and refuse to be swayed by cries of anguish and mercy for the ones that have tried to destroy us, that includes women and sometimes children. If you ever been in modern combat, you have been forced to shoot those that should not be shot. Your life and those standing by your side and behind you will be forfeit if you don’t. It will sear your soul and banish your humanity like you have ever had to withstand. I know what I speak of, I still have nightmares and terror at what I had to do.

7 thoughts on “I can imagine quite a few people south east of me thinking this….

  1. I’m afraid you’re entirely correct as usual, C. We are three generations deep in neoliberal fuckery. We lost our nations, and our people have lost their minds. They’ve raised demonic kids even more effed up than they are. Their kids are having kids now. You don’t have to be in combat or be a blooded veteran to lose your humanity; I lived with those people…and the only difference between you and them was that your humanity was torn from you.

    They threw theirs away. Happily, and without a second thought.

    You regret the bloodshed; they will revel in it. I’ve said it before: historically, when those guys get spun up, they start to kill in numbers too high to count. It may be too late to avoid the ethnic and ideological cleansing… but rest assured that if we insist on bringing it about, there most assuredly won’t be any mercy for anyone.

    A reckoning looms.

    • A reckoning none of us want, because we have been there and understand history, but the “people” doing this care nothing for what we want.

  2. You get what you will tolerate. And as long as Americans are willing to tolerate the abuse, the criminals in power are happy to keep dishing it out.

  3. Any enemy left wounded and alive will gleefully shoot you in the back as you pass with mercy.
    Remember the words of Leonidas in 300: Besides, there’s no reason we can’t be civil, is there?
    The captain answers: [stabs the Persian] None, sire.

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