12 thoughts on “I bet they had a sparkling good time!

    • That’s Cederq using the wrong crayons to colour in the picture. I can’t see shit, even with a new phone.
      I reckon that Phil and Cederq bought up shares in a magnifying glass factory, somewhere in Elbonia.

  1. When you hook up the cables backwards and don’t fix it immediately, THIS is what you Find Out.

    • Igor, can you please draw up plans for Cederq to post, showing how I can rig my car so that the neighbour’s cat will receive an electric shock the next time that the bastard moggy pisses on the air vent inlets in my car?
      It needn’t be fatal, just enough to emasculate it will do just fine. Thanks.

      • I would just use my suppressed air rifle.

        Are you allowed anything with triggers besides Trigger Plants?

        • Even to have just a conventional air rifle here in Queensland, you need at least a Category A weapons licence and the gun must be registered.
          The olden days cultural rite of every boy getting an air rifle for his tenth birthday are sadly long gone.

      • When I lived outside of Spokane years ago, I had some local miscreants stealing gas out of my 68 Dodge 4X4 with the filler at the drivers side pillar. To get them I hooked up an old Model T Ford coil backward so the coil discharged through the body if you touched it and completed the ground. It was winter, snow on the ground and I found a short length of hose and a 5 gallon gas tank lying there with what appeared to be very disturbed snow angels and no one around. I never had gas stolen again…

      • If’n ya knows where they live, pour 3 day old shrimp peel juice in their car inlets.
        ~ mississloppigarro

        • I used 3 grams of Trinotrobenzine powder in a guy’s tank, when he filled up his tank the car ran like a raped ape for 3 hours and then RUDed. He had been stealing people’s car parts.

          (Never heard of Trinitrobenzine? It’s referred to as TNB, and it’s a pH indicator used in chemistry. It’s a cousin to Trinitrotoluene, otherwise known as TNT. Being a Benzine compound, it mixes rather well with gasoline… and it’s better than Nitrous Oxide for juicing up your engine – but it will blow up your engine eventually, it’s too energetic.)
          (Better Living Trough Chemistry)
          (Don’t screw around with people that work in a Chem Lab in College…)

      • Just get a conventional car coil and run the HV to the frame of the car. Run the negative of the coil to a little wire you push in the ground. The tires act a an insulator, so unless you complete the circuit nothing happens. The critters get the batsnot zapped outta them.

        While you can run it off the car’s battery, it is easier to use AC power chopped through a diode. The coil needs interrupted DC to work (which is what the points are doing), so the circuit is simple. Over in Aussie-land you have 50Hz for your AC, it’s not a problem. Just find a transformer that puts out 9V AC, chop it through a diode, connect it to the terminals on the coil and stand clear when you plug it in. Don’t forget to fuse the AC side of the transformer!!


        • Cool, Igor, thanks. I’m pretty sure that tomcats have their own version of the interwebs, which gives them the location of air-vent inlets for every type of car. Their scent isn’t appreciated by any other species.

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