I Bet Biden Was Surprised When Top Secret Documents Were Found

Biden would be surprised if you told him water was wet.

That not withstanding, I had to laugh when I saw headline after headline all saying exactly the same thing earlier, BEFORE another batch had been found.

Here is a perfect example of the MSM carrying water for the senile old kid sniffer.

First up, Ye Olde BBC.

Biden ‘surprised’ about classified files discovery at former office

Next up, The New York Times.

Biden ‘Surprised’ to Learn Classified Documents Were Found in Private Office

Then we have CNN, of course.

Biden says he was surprised to learn government records, including classified documents, were taken to his private office


Biden ‘surprised’ about finding of classified documents, vows cooperation

The Washington Post,

Biden ‘surprised’ by classified documents as Hill demands more information

Aaaaand Yahoo News, VIA Huffington Post,


Biden ‘Surprised’ By Classified Documents Found In His Former Private Office

I’m sure I could find some more if I wanted to look a little longer but I think you get the point.

Now remember, these are all news articles trying to cover his ass BEFORE the revelation that more had been found.

I can’t wait to see the knots these putrid assholes tie themselves into trying to cover THAT shit up.

I’m also waiting to see ONE Republican say the “I” word.

You know, the one they tried to pull on Trump, TWICE.


I’ll be over here in the corner holding my breath for that.


10 thoughts on “I Bet Biden Was Surprised When Top Secret Documents Were Found

  1. I also read somewhere that the building where the initial batch was residing was funded by “foreign dark money” that was hinted at being from China. Fancy that.

    …and lying rats in the press, immediately jumped to his defense, while the wanted President Trump crucified.

    This will be the ultimate test of McCarthy’s speakership right from the jump. He’s going to have to put up or shut up.

  2. The Long Knives are out in the Democrap Party, which means Senile Pedo Joe is A Dead Man Walking. Or, in his case, shuffling.

    I wonder what they have in store for Cackling Kamalips?

  3. Meh just more distraction for the magatards. They are hanging back laughing at them for their howling and social media is giving them all they want to distract as well.

  4. Well, we all wondered from the get go how the demonrats would get the senile bastard to leave office. Looks like they are making their play now. Who wants to bet slo joe is gone by Spring and old Kackles drags Hitlery into the picture as her appointed veep. This clown show is about to hit new all-time lows. FJB!

  5. He’s telling everyone,{ he takes classified documents,seriously }it’s their punctuation that’s messed up

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