12 thoughts on “I am sure some one in Florida has done this recently.

  1. Was there a government-provided sign telling him to NOT put gasoline in buckets?

    If not, then leave this poor man alone: he is one of many sheep who can’t think for him selves and depends on his benevolent government to do that for him.

    (Sorry about the use of the words man/he/him; it was not clear what his gender is)

    • Diesel does not burn that easily. I’ve tossed lit matches into a bucket of diesel, and it just drowns them. Gas on the other hand……….

  2. Looks like he has lids on the ones inside the vehicle., so it’s not all bad. Much better than trash bags.

  3. Yes, Home-Depot does in fact sell lids for their buckets. They are labeled as leak proof, but have no spout or other opening.

  4. Wouldn’t be my preferred method, that being said, better than a lot of other things I have seen….

    Far better than doing nothing.

    Gentle acceleration and deceleration, easy on curves and try not to tip the buckets….

    God looks after drunks and fools……

  5. Maybe if gas cans that cost $35 and don’t work for crap were not forced on us, this wouldn’t happen. I remember before the gov’t got involved, you could buy a simple gas can for $5 and it did what it was supposed to do.

  6. Honestly,
    I don’t know why this is “dumb shit”.
    The gas won’t melt that plastic.
    The lids seal and are leakproof,
    There is no substantial difference between the “approved” containers and these tubs in an accident.
    Cutting a hole in a lid to attach a pour spout is easy.
    If he gets home without dumping them over in the car, he’s a winner.
    He will have heat, light, cooling, and power..
    And save his family.

    So why?
    Why is this dumb shit?
    Your pal

    • The picture doesn’t tell the whole story. If he’s smart enough to cover the bucket, he’s more than likely aware of the dangers involved.

      Desperate times can result in desperate measures. Here’s hoping he stays as safe as he possibly can. Remember, readers, you are not there and don’t know ALL the circumstances!!

  7. Other than the fact I wouldn’t trust the lids on those buckets to be leak proof, and the weight of 5 gals of gas might cause the metal handle to tear out the plastic retainer on one (or both) sides of the bucket, this is probably almost as good as a modern gas can. Dispensing gas back out of those buckets will be another matter, as unless he has a means to add a proper pour spout, he’s going to be splashing that shit everywhere, even with a large funnel.

    I have some 30 gallon oil drums that came from a dealer service dept, complete with lids. If I needed to move a LOT of gas (or diesel) quickly, I’d fill those up and clamp the lids on and strap them in the bed of the pickup. Can pop a pump type dispenser in the lid as they’re designed specifically for that. Most of the time I just fill the multiple 5 gallon jerry cans I have on hand. In any case, not an ideal solution, but can be made to work in a pinch.

  8. There are pour enabled covers for 5 gallon paint buckets – if he has one, he’s golden. Improvise, overcome, adapt.

  9. I’ve used hydraulic oil buckets for storage, but not transport. Secure them well and I don’t see a problem with it. The orings won’t last, though. dependig

    Converted my genny to propane. We store lots of that. You guys should check out the
    Motor Snorkle. Thing of beauty. You have to adjust it for weather, kind of primitive, but I start it with a blast of carb cleaner and idle it in, running.

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