From Vox Day,
The truth that has been long denied. I am not an enthusiastic fan of Vox Day, but he brings a compelling argument and vast empirical evidence for it. The one main culprit that always is present, is vaccines. Like DDT, a commentator in my last post stated: “God knows we’ve done a number on ourselves with too much bullshit chemistry.”
Vaccines are the Cause of Autism
You have to either be prodigiously stupid, willfully blind, totally corrupt, or some combination of the three to still deny that vaccines are the cause of autism, which they quite obviously are.
When Elaine C. was seven years old, her parents became so worried about her speech that they approached a psychiatrist.
The little girl could talk. She just couldn’t say anything meaningful. Instead of asking questions or chattering to her parents, Elaine simply repeated bizarre phrases: ‘Dinosaurs don’t cry… Needle head… Seals and salamanders.’
The psychiatrist who studied Elaine, Dr Leo Kanner, was born in Austria but lived on America’s east coast. After three weeks of observations, he informed her parents that their daughter was suffering from an extremely rare condition – so rare that in five years of intensive research, from New York to Boston, he had been able to discover only ten other cases.
Dr Kanner coined a word for this condition: he called it autism.
That was the mid-1940s. Today, a psychiatrist could go into virtually any school in Britain or the US and find at least ten children with autism. Some would have learning difficulties as profound as Elaine’s or more debilitating. Others could show a variety of less obvious developmental delays…
In the UK, the first cases began to be noticed in the 1950s, when they were classified under ‘childhood schizophrenia’. The first British doctor to use the term ‘autism’ was Mildred Creak, a psychiatrist at Great Ormond Street hospital, in 1963.
In other words, autism was unknown in Britain before the Beatles era.
If you’re still unconvinced that the condition has appeared and become widespread in the space of a human lifetime, think about this: in all of 19th-century literature, not a single child is described with autistic traits.
Charles Dickens had ten children. Leo Tolstoy had 13. Mary Elizabeth Braddon, who wrote dozens of sensation novels, had six of her own and five stepchildren. Those writers, like countless others of the time, were fascinated by psychological strangeness. But none of them depicted autism in their books – which can only mean they never saw it.
So, what has changed since 1940. Obviously, the childhood vaccine program, right? I mean, this is absolutely and entirely obvious, right?
Kennedy is a conspiracy theorist who has linked the epidemic of autism to vaccines. All the science indicates that he’s wrong. So does the timeline: vaccines have been around since the end of the 18th century, 150 years before the first cases of autism were identified. When Kennedy and his ilk make wild claims about what causes the condition, they make life much more difficult for millions of parents who are trying to get the care and education their autistic children need.
The retardery, it burns. Even when the totally fucking obvious is flashing right in front of his face in giant red lights, this moron retreats to the safety of the Narrative. Let’s point out the obvious errors.
- Science is less reliable than a coin flip. Its reliability is below fifty percent. Due to the known Reproducibility Crisis and the financial corruption of modern science, anyone who claims “all the science” as a meaningful truth-metric is either ignorant or retarded. Science means absolutely nothing. You might as meaningfully declare that a theory is incorrect because a coin-flip indicates that it is wrong.
- The fact that the first vaccines were around 150 years before the first cases of autism is absolutely and totally irrelevant. It’s just not a valid argument. All vaccines are not identical, and children in the UK today are receiving 27 doses in 12 shots before the age of 14 months. 150 years ago, they were receiving zero.
- The conspiracy theorists have been proven to be correct far more often than 50 percent of the time.
- A conclusion based upon Occam’s Razor is not “a wild claim”.
- Regardless of what is believed concerning the causal factor, that belief doesn’t make things any harder for people to get care and treatment for the adverse effects of childhood vaccinations.
The real reason parents are in such denial about vaccines causing autism is that they don’t want to believe it was their fault. That’s understandable; it’s no different than the people who want to believe they were “forced” to get the Covid-19 vaccination. But if you’re dumb enough to believe anything that the medical authorities tell you, you simply have to own that. Because while not doing so isn’t going to mitigate any of the consequences you’re going to face, at least you might be able to avoid making the same stupid mistake next time.
And there will be a next time.
Autism symptoms were well desccribed before the term “autism” was developed. It’s a mistake to believe that something didn’t exist before the modern term for it arose. Further, it should be remembered that the diagnosis of autism has exploded not particularly because there are so many more cases of autism, but because the definition of “autism spectrum” has broadened to include a lot of stuff that isn’t traditional autism. You see the same thing with ADHD, where every kid who is a little excitable is given that diagnosis.
These kids were called a lot of things. One of the more common ones was “feral children.” There are lots of descriptions of nonverbal kids and such. Asperger’s type people were “eccentric.”
It’s a big mistake to confuse changes in classification with actual changes in disease prevalence. For instance, there has been a huge decrease in the diagnosis of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) in the past couple of decades. While some of that decrease is real, most of it is due to the fact that the majority of these have been classified as “Asphyxia” instead.
It is also a mistake to grab on to spurious correlations. One could use that to conclude that autism accompanies, and thus is due to, the development of the telephone, moving pictures, radio, and air flight.
While the above is all true, and the practice of modern medicine is pathologizing many more things now than it did even 50 years ago, how much of the total increase can be ascribed to reclassification (or expansion of classification) versus an actual increase in the raw number of cases? Obviously we have no way to quantify that, since definitions have not remained static over time.
What is certain is that human health in our modern society is generally not great, and we have many problems that do appear to be of more recent origin. As well, we have many things in medicine and food that are unnatural and inadequately tested, assuming adequate testing techniques even exist to catch all the consequences of using these modern medicines and frankenfoods with regularity.
Besides which, we have become arrogant bastards thinking we know much more than we really do, and so we keep messing with things which we do not have a full understanding of. There are bound to be screw ups under those circumstances, and we may not even be able to recognize their underlying cause due to our lack of knowledge.
We have examples of screw ups like Thalidomide, Vioxx, and the original tetanus vaccine that was pulled and replaced why the current TDAP formula, due to liability issues for the manufacturers (this predated the legislatively granted immunity). The point being that we know for a fact we have screwed up before, and in those cases, denial and obfuscation was used to try and beat back the accusations, until the evidence became to great to deny any longer. I suspect we are doing the same thing today, but will not have the benefit of knowing for certain for some time yet to come.
Of course the profit motive is very strong indeed, and that in itself is enough to drive those who stand to lose in a paradigm change to defend their product (and profit stream) at all costs. That also has to be factored to to how these public debates shape up, and who is exerting control on the narrative.
Awesome rundown! Now do “Turbo Cancer” and how the two years of missed diagnosis time led to more younger people dying of colon and other cancers than before 2021.
Maybe throw in that more young people are eating ass and doing anal, that should work too.
I don’t remember anyone changing the definition of cancer, but it sure blew up after Simian Virus 40 was “mistakenly” released in polio vaccines.
How are the autism and cancer rates in a “control group” such as the Amish? Are they as retarded and rotten as the overall White US population?
I was talking to a physician buddy of mine about this very thing. He indicated that researchers tend to find what they go looking for because they’re getting funded to find it. But beyond that, it was his opinion that considering this witch’s brew of wide-spread vaccinations and chemicals fed to kids in the food supply, it was entirely possible that the untested combination of all these things could be acting together to cause autism in kids, and many other things in the general population as well. Entirely possible = damn likely, in his opinion.
Of course, all you really needed to know about the so called Covid “vaccination” in the first place is that (a) it isn’t a real vaccination in the classic sense and (b) that the drug companies had no liability for problems caused by their products.
back in 1976, I was with the 101st. the swine flu was big that year and they came out with a vax for it. we where to get the shots in like 2 days or so.
BUT we didn’t get the shots. word was that 5 people died after taking the “shot”
and the powers to be, said NO. as far as I know, no one got the shot .
and now I read that over 1500 people died during the trails of this shitty vax ?
NOW , we know why they had to get a EUA to give it out and WHY the bastards wanted to be shielded from any lawsuits .
trust is a lot like TP, it works very well for what it is intended for until you rip it to shreds. then it not good for anything even shit.
I hope they think it was worth it. chances are once this comes out bigtime, they will be burned alive by people who trusted them.
there will be no safe place for them to hide after that.
then too, there is Bill gates, I loathe that man. from what I learned back in the 1990’s about the shit he pulled and got away with then.
chances are he hates everyone not like him. pure evil. watch old videos of his ass. he looks at people like they where bugs to be stepped on.
his money is not going to save him this time around, I hope !
He must really hate me then; I’m not like him and I run Linux.
When your job is threatened if you didn’t take the jab, and you need the health insurance to take care of a sick wife, I’d call that being forced or coerced. I’ve kept the fact that it is a felony without a statue of limitations in my back pocket for an eventual big payout.
I think that the vaccines go a lot further than autism as far as adverse reactions. Like you said, the number of shots that a kid gets is astronomical. And just because some shots have been around for decades doesn’t make them, or their ingredients safe. The science is never settled either because the piper is paid for, or because the ability to explore certain avenues didn’t exist.
Yes, and how about the mysterious emergence of peanut allergies? That wasn’t a thing at all when I was a kid in the 70’s and 80’s. Something brought that on out of nowhere starting roughly 30 years ago. I can’t say what did it, but clearly it was something that hadn’t been an issue prior to that time.
I had a lot of shots when I was a kid because I was a military dependent adn we had to take the same shots as my father when were headed to Germany. I was not autistic after I got them, but I was not overloaded as kids are now. My mother had us wait a couple weeks between shots. Even in the military we did not have more than two shots in one go, and we were adults then too. Even so, Some would say I’m not wired right.
Just to add to the discussion there are supposedly 2000 new chemical compounds introduced into the world every year. There is absolutely no way all the new drugs and new compounds can be tested for unwanted reactions. And then everything winds up in our water Truly frightening
Autism is a spectrum of behaviors, but the extreme end was not seen hardly at all until vaccinations started piling up and given in job lots to babies. My bet is that if these were spaced out more and only single types given, autism would be much less common.
I personally found out as a child how dangerous vaccinations can be. I got the live polio vaccine, and it was just a wee bit too strong. I was paralyzed from the waist down for months, but was young and strong enough to slowly get better. Lying doctors claimed that there was no connection and made bank off my poor parents.
Another example, one that Kennedy cites, is celiac disease, where you become allergic to gluten. No wheat products for you! There’s been an absolute explosion of it in the past few decades, starting soon after Monsanto started monkeying around with the wheat genes. Coincidence? Kennedy says that he started having trouble with domestic wheat and ordered his flour from France. His gut issues went away.
These may all be coincidence, but I don’t think so. After all, we know the greedy b*st*rds in charge of government and business are guilty of worse crimes.
It’s not JUST Monsanto playing around with wheat, oat and any industrial farm grain you want to mention genes.
It’s that plus the spraying of crops with
glyphosphate , i.e. poison, almost immediately before harvest that’s causing a lot of this out of no where disease to occur.
I was having this vaccine discussion with one of my sisters just yesterday. She’s an RN now retired. I sent her a meme dissing on vaccines and she got irate. She has Rheumatoid Arthritis. She replied to the meme that the Covid jab had probably saved her life because of her RA. My repose was “How do you know that s vaccine you received ages ago didn’t cause your RA?” “The fact is you don’t know because the medical profession lies about most everything.”
Needless to say, she went ballistic from there, all be cause I tested her belief paradigm, that SHE NEVER ONCE QUESTIONED in all her years as an RN.
Nemo – the widespread use of Glyphosphate on almost Every “Industrially-Farmed” Grains (and a lot of Vegetables) is, IMO, the Cause of a Lot of ‘afflictions’ like Gluten and Peanut Allergies, and probably a LOT more chronic Illnesses/Medical “conditions”. I’d be willing to bet that if someone did a (legitimate) study of similar ‘Illnesses’ found in Vietnam, as the result of the “Agent Orange” Chemical Warfare program, that there would be direct parallels found in terms of the prevalence of them.
And, let’s Not Forget, “Aluminum Flourosilicate”, a.k.a. “Flouride” in Public Water Systems. This predates the use of ‘Glyphosphate’ by many Decades.
I suspect all the chemicals additives found in our foods are likely more responsible than vaccines. It’s EXTREMELY difficult eat a diet that is free of harmful chemicals like Bisphenol A.
“I’ve been out with Covid. But I had the vax and booster!”
Me, “Good thing you didn’t ask for a rabies vax.”
~ mississloppigarro
The point about all the vaccines before the age of two is my biggest objection to vaccinations in children. Insulting an eight-week-old baby’s immune system with all that crap at one time is criminal in my opinion. Nobody wants their child to die of diphtheria (one of my aunts at the age of five). Mother had whooping cough and never wanted her children to experience that. I think less spread out over a longer time frame would be more reasonable. Plus, how much of the autism and ADHD is do to the lack of socialization (disciplining) of children?
Vaccines are poison. Period.
I am glad you posted that DMM, I read him all the time! I have his subscription.
Let’s say we vaccinate adults only, and they really are vaccines, preventing people from getting sick. Assuming we don’t let disease carrying migrants in, where does the disease vector come to infect the children?
Vox has shown repeatedly a graph that shows disease shrank before vaccines, he believes it is due to better sanitation.
Why do kids need 77 vaccines or whatever is the current number, how did people ever survive before?
Is there a better way to vaccinate our kids – I’ve asked this for years and been called an anti-vaxer. I wasn’t until COVID.
Explore the insulin cycle and health. Type II diabetes can be reversed with diet only in many cases, no need for insulin.. Combine with COVID. Our diet is making us sick, not just all the additives. Our doctors are trained to treat the ill, not help you be healthy. My trust in doctors is zero. Below zero.
OBTW, follow Dr. John Campbell on YouTube. His personal pet peeve is the COVID Vax. Some interesting data on mortality rates, people are dying earlier from a very wide spectrum of causes, not just blood clots and cancer. Screw up the immune system and screw up everything else.
And keep in mind there are no safety studies on vaccines. RFKjr sued Fauci over it and won. None. NONE. We have an escalation in bad health. Sugar and the food pyramid are responsible for some, but where comes the rest? Correlation is not causation, except some times it is and it is ALWAYS a starting point for an investigation. You know, where you start asking questions. By the way, are there religious sects that don’t vaccinate their kids that could be used as a control group? We probably get answers pretty quickly if we bothered to ask the questions.
I was going to get the COVID vaxx until I saw all the coercion taking place. If you have to force me to do something that is good for me than it isn’t good for me.
I believe the whole problem with the vaccine discussion is that a belief paradigm is being challenged by a bunch of people that are not members of the medical field and that the few in the medical field that do challenge are ostracized and their reputations and livelihood either jeopardized or destroyed. That’s power and power comes from money.
Who in the medical field has large power? Big Pharma. They develop drugs and vaccines at huge expense and, as a business, want to profit from that expense. Let’s face it, they wouldn’t survive without profit.
So when someone questions their testing methods or an age old paradigm that vaccines are safe, what is their reaction? What would be your reaction if you were them?
The debate around the Covid Vaccine is far from over. Pharma’s mistake in the Covid vax was using a poorly researched vector to combat the disease. I believe it will be resolved over the next four years, as long as Trump and RFK Jr aren’t killed first.
I still, to this day, don’t understand why Pharma didn’t use tried and true conventional vaccine development methods in parallel with the mRNA development, especially in light of all of the failures they had developing other vaccines using mRNA in other trials. Hopefully we’ll get answers to that question once RFK starts digging.
The Wakefield paper that linked MMR vaccine to autism was not a scientific ‘study’ It was a ‘case series’, not the same thing.
A case series is just a set of observations that are intended to start research into the observations.
It did. No actual scientific study has ever shown a causal relationship.
Wakefield’s paper was retracted when it came to light that he was paid by a trial lawyer to find some ‘evidence’ for lawsuits.
Wow. A lot to consider here. I am just going to trust GOD to take me when my time comes…and not some vaccine. But I have to admit, I am old and have been getting flu vaccines for over 40 years. Got the flu in 1988 and even as a young healthy man found that to be a miserable 2 weeks. I couldn’t take that same illness here in my old age. So, I will keep trusting the flu and pneumonia vaccinations.
Bits and pieces stolen and used on another blog, with attribution of course.
Tylenol is another big contributor. Vaccines become a lot more dangerous when a parent sabotages the poor kid’s liver detox mechanisms with tylenol.