I Am Going To Pay Heavily For It Tomorrow

As it is right now I had to take multiple pain pills throughout the day just to get it done.

Sometimes I’m just too damn hard headed.

I should have called around and seen if anyone was available to help.

But because it was the first really nice day around here in a couple weeks, something tells me everyone would have been busy anyway though.

Pretty much everything in these two pictures except the big red toolbox got moved today.

And I am wiped clear out now.

My lower back and my legs are done in.

Especially my legs.

I couldn’t tell you how many times I had to sit down and take a break.

At one point it was every three or four minutes.

But I got it done.

Now that I have everything situated, I am going to go through that big white cabinet and the big black file cabinet, sort out stuff to keep and get rid of both of them.

Then all the crap in the whole garage is going to get gone through and a whole bunch of it is going.

If you look closely, you will notice that I moved all the machines into a square with a good size opening in the middle and all of them except the grinders are facing in.

I am going to get a rolling architect’s stool and set it in the middle so I can just roll around from machine to machine and the main cabinets without having to get up.

Something like this, with wheels.

This is long overdue and is partly the result of being nagged at for years.

It’s going to work good for me and somebody else better damn well be happy too.

21 thoughts on “I Am Going To Pay Heavily For It Tomorrow

  1. Good work, Phil. Indeed, you will pay for it. Getting old is not for wusses, which you most certainly aren’t!!

    Naproxen is your friend. Don’t take more’n 1500mg per dose, and at that level don’t take it for long. But then, I ain’t no Doctor… YMMV

  2. Damned good start there Phil, but pace yourself. Tain’t no good if you make the old body worse.

    Looks like I have to do the same soon, too much stuff and not enough space. Trouble is all the “stuff” I keep falls into the category of “spares for stuff I use/have to fix things or useful some day” and no sooner do you dump it when that day arrives.

  3. Yesterday I decided to go through the electrical portion of my upstairs shop and sort through and get rid of the old and unneeded stuff. Lost track of how many trips up and down the stairs to haul junk down to the recycling bench and answer customers calling on a Saturday, but my legs were still going strong, but my heart was doing its normal I want to rest program but I finished anyway. Slept like a log last night and feel amazingly good this morning. Until I looked at my desk and was reminded of all the bills I have to pay. Damn farm insurance is around $18K now with 11 of that due by the 10th of April. Way to ruin a bleak morning.

  4. Hope it ain’t so bad now, in the morning. Sleep helps?

    You’re more ambitious than I. I don’t have as much stuff, but I’ve been meaning to downsize as well. Maybe if I had a wifely unit around to “motivate” me, I’d get after it.

  5. So, Phil, are you gonna have a garage sale when you get all that stuff triaged, and are you gonna let us know far enough in advance for everybody to come to it?

    No, really!

    • I don’t live close enough to take advantage of such an event, and that’s actually a good thing! But oh, if I had some place to put it.

      • So, you finally going to get rid of the two foot 2″ architectural square tube you have had since 1978 knowing you might “NEED IT” one day and that day has past?

  6. watch the OTC meds as they will trash your kidneys before you know it.
    it can get really bad a lot faster than you realize too.
    even the ones you get from your DOC can fuck you up before you know it.

  7. Good work Phil. Easy to quarterback from this armchair, but you ain’t no good to anyone dead… you got a lot more coffee to drink and people to piss off!

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