11 thoughts on “I ain’t gonna make it that easy for them.

  1. Fuck Thatt and Fuck Them .

    • I read you loud and clear. When they do take me down, I will be sure they regret just not passing me by and leaving me be. Hopefully there are enough of us to resist until eternity.

  2. I left this comment elsewhere a while back. Actual resistance has been programmed out of most people. Between not believing their own eyes (lefties and brainwashed normies) or waiting for a savior (trump supporters and “Q” followers, some overlap) most will not act until it is too late. Strongly worded letters will be mailed from the train platforms as the sheep are herded onto the boxcars at bayonet point. Cries of β€œThis Can’t Be Happening!” will echo off the hillsides in between the volleys of gunfire. Eyes open wide with disbelief will be filled with bloody dirt as they stare lifelessly skyward from the bottom of the mass graves and their tangled limbs will give the them the unity they should have had in life. No one seems to want to learn the lessons of history. Or no one takes the lessons seriously.

  3. that is what most people will do, comply. I have not trusted the fuckers in years now. I don’t see myself changing that. and after growing up and then living with all the crime in philly, I am always armed.
    and if they come for me, I know I have nothing to lose then.

  4. …a good death is expiring with the smell of spent brass in your nostrils and knowing that you take at least ten of them with you.

  5. Don’t TL:DR, Please Read This. Um, fellas, what shooting? Apart from you holdouts, it won’t be needed. Don’t you remember all the brainless sheep (billions, now?) who willingly or not, took the clot-shot, just as Trump, Biden and other world ‘leaders’ urged or forced them to do? All those millions are already dead, or will be as the intended effects become more evident. But all you who didn’t submit to the ‘health workers’ administering the poison, don’t be in too much of a hurry to pat yourself on the back: Well enough apart from the apparent danger of gene-shedding by all those millions of brainless infected souls, you better be careful not to suffer any emergency that needs a blood transfusion. Just think, the great mass of blood, and blood products, in the system is now too dangerous to use on you or your loved ones that you have say-so over. Phil and Cederq, I’d like to see opinions from knowledgable people about this ready danger. I’m accepting risk of death in event of medical emergency, rather than take any blood products from the existing system. Yeah, I’m aware of private blood-stocking set-ups, but am on the bottom rung of any ladder re finances. Is it time for a new blood products system, open only to guaranteed ‘purebloods’? Those of us old farts reading this rant of mine, what about your kids, and their kids, and so on, and on? Those innocents, not accepting of their own ‘Vaxx Jabs’, will be in danger forevermore, if they suffer traumatic blood loss and need donor blood from the existing system, it being topped-up by the Vaxxed. It’s worse than any Hollywood zombie scenario, just slower. You can be certain that the likes of Schwab, Soros, Bloomberg and their ilk, need never fear being infected/infested with blood products of the great unwashed, presumably Adrenochrome doesn’t transfer any mRNA.

    • Johno, I am impressed! That was well thought out, coherent with no Aussie babble in it so easy to understand. Are you sure you ain’t an American pretending you are an Aussie? There is is always danger of cross transfusion infections, why blood has to be screened. Now, that being said, are the blood banks going to screen for the mRNA inoculents? I haven’t seen or heard. Will they be allowed with what is coming out recently about the jab and it’s ingredients? The $64,000 question. They should be, I have updated my POA(Power of Attorney) for Healthcare and specifically stated no blood transfusions, even from my jabbed brother or any one that has taken the government inducement. There are artificial blood products and blood extenders that are available commercially. Will that be enough to keep me alive with a major trauma induced blood loss? I am of the opinion, if I die, I die. But I will not live knowing I got the jab through a sheeple.

  6. Herr Stern and I are both planning to fly to Mexico, then cross the Rio Grande, or maybe hire a car and drive across the border. But if you can get me a real Septic passport, I won’t need to get a fake tan, and that Sternie doesn’t trust me around Frau Stern.

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