Hurricane Boy, BCE… 8:20PM, PST

Just got done talking with Big, came trough with minimal damage, had a little scare, the river close by overflowed and came up to with in ten feet of his garage door. Billy thought it about two and half feet deep and had a strong current down the street. Lost a branch or two out of his trees and said it looked like it snowed shingles through out the area. he could see what neighbors were somewhat prepared and which ones weren’t. All and all he said it wasn’t too bad, heard a big thump on his house about 1:30AM his time and couldn’t find a reason for it. I suggested a yard kite flew by… Been out doing perimeter security sweeps and haven’t found anybody he could engage with. Now he is worried, another big wind is brewing and we are in for a CME within nines days, if it rains, it’s pours.

One thought on “Hurricane Boy, BCE… 8:20PM, PST

  1. Since Mr. Sun drives the weather, we be in for a hearty blow mateys!

    Oh, wait – it’s all Climate Change cause by Trump and Vance. Ask anybody…

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