Hunter Biden’s Lawyers Get An UFITA* From A REAL Federal Judge

*Uninvited Finger In The Ass

In a move that absolutely NO ONE saw coming, this particular judge took exceptional umbrage to the fact that these lawyers tried to pull a fast one and put a little clause in the fine print of the extremely lenient plea deal they thought they had in the bag, saying that Hunter would then be immune from further prosecution if he pled guilty to a slap on the wrist deal they had cooked up.

The one everyone except Hunter and his equally crooked Father thought was an outrage in the first place.

Hunter pled not guilty to the charges so the case is ongoing.

Delaware judge Maryellen Noreika, a Trump appointee, set new ‘conditions of release’ for Hunter Biden.

If Hunter does not comply with any part of the judge’s order, he can be arrested.


1) NOT possess a firearm
2) NOT use or possess any controlled substances (including marijuana) unless prescribed
3) Submit to full federal supervision
4) NO use of alcohol AT ALL
5) Seek active employment
6) Submit to testing for prohibited substances
7) Participate in substance abuse therapy


1) Immediate issuance of an arrest warrant
2) Revocation of release
3) Forfeiture of bond
4) Prosecution for contempt of court

In my personal opinion, after all these years of Hunter Biden getting away with things that would have anyone else rotting in jail until dead of natural causes and his very well known substance abuse issues, I can see him getting completely sideways with these conditions, thinking everything will just be business as usual.

In other related news, Hunter is also still under investigation for failing to register as a Foreign Agent too.


Hunter Biden Legal Team Responds to Allegations of Impersonating Republican Attorney to Court Clerk, Claims It was ‘Misunderstanding’-  “There Was No Misrepresentation”

Attorneys for Hunter Biden have responded to allegations of deceiving a court clerk to remove certain documents from a court docket, claiming it was a simple “misunderstanding.”

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Hunter Biden’s legal team is facing possible sanctions after they lied about their identity to have the testimony of IRS whistleblowers removed from the docket in Hunter’s tax fraud case.

Hunter’s lawyer called the courthouse clerk PRETENDING to work for GOP lawyer Ted Kittila and told the clerk they didn’t really mean to file all the whistleblower stuff.

The fucking balls on these people.

Between this and trying to slide in no further prosecutions into his plea deal, I’m thinking his entire legal team should be disbarred.

This whole sordid saga just got real interesting.

15 thoughts on “Hunter Biden’s Lawyers Get An UFITA* From A REAL Federal Judge

  1. Give the fucker a hair folical drug test, if he has used in the past year , he’s toast.

  2. Does anyone honestly believe Hunter can maintain even one of those conditions?

    Watch for this Judge to be removed through some action of the DOJ, and replaced with a partisan one.

  3. One can only hope that hunter meets his comeuppance. But I’m not holding my breath. TPTB will make sure he skates, their finger is in the pot. If clinton can get re-elected after saying “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” then anything is possible. And how many secret service SUV’s accompanied hunter to court today? I guess climate change doesn’t matter, nor do our
    tax dollars when you are an elite. 🙄

    We are so screwed! McConnell, Fetterman, Feinstein, etc, steering the ship. A bunch of brain dead and old fuckers who need to retire on our taxpayer funded retirement and cushy health care plan, that’s reality. Fuck them to hell and back. Can you tell I’m angry?

    • YEAH, and I wouldn’t mind if Vlad was to drop a nuke on that shithole of a city either. we would maybe lose a few good people
      and I do mean a few, but overall it would be worth it.
      and take out the closest suburbs as well.

  4. I was hoping against hope that the judge would toss the agreement. From what I’ve read, it’s my understanding that the judge took a dim view of the Dee Ohh Jay agreeing to exonerating Hunter from prosecution of future charges for past crimes while there was still an active investigation.

    Then there’s the scum bag lawyers from Hunter’s team who falsely represented themselves as something they weren’t to try to get the court clerk to remove an amicus brief, from one of the committees investigating the Bribem crime family, from evidence at the hearing. That little stunt should get the lawyer and his/her law firm DISBARRED. But, as usual, this malfeasance will go unpunished.

    From the brief clip that I saw of her in court, she’s not taking any shit from Dee Ohh Jay. When she mentioned that the agreement was probably unconstitutional, I think the Dee Ohh Jay lawyers swallowed their tongues.

    Expect her either to be removed from the case or have an unfortunate accident.

    • I wonder just which of Hunter’s legal team is going to decide they’re not gonna dive on a grenade for him, knowing the first one to rat Hunter out gets the best deal.

  5. They seriously need to make this trial last until the big guy is no longer president, or they need to drop the federal charges and charge him at the state/municipality level so his dad can’t pardon him 5 seconds after the verdict is read.

  6. What about the possibility that this ‘play’ is the opening move of ‘taking down’ Joe Biden, by letting his Son get caught up in the “Foreign Influence” Sinkhole, then forcing Joe to Resign to keep from being sucked in… And no, don’t say “Bbbut, they don’t want Harris to Take Over…” Bullshit. the V.P. is just another Puppet of the Party, it will Do as its Told; else it wouldn’t have been appointed in the First Place.

    Then, at their Convention, the Smoke-Filled Room can Appoint someone else. There is no Obligation for them to ‘Run’ with the V.P. moved to the Presidency, and for that matter, there’s no Obligation for them to have Pedo Joe as their Candidate, either.

  7. Does not matter. They still control the elections so while Hunter might get beat a little he will ultimately walk away.

    Just Kabuki to put off the coming civil war till people old enough to remember the good old days all die off.

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