3 thoughts on “How we use to go on vacations…

  1. Truly. Went on a weeklong camping trip with 10 people in a van, loaded to the gills, roof rack and all, pulling a trailer.

    Ah, those were the days.

    Another time went camping, 4 people in a packed station wagon, to the Smokies. We had a huge tent, cast-iron cooking equipment, eating real food and having fun. All around us were people with their micro-tents and micro-sleeping bags eating freeze-dried food cooked over little stoves like you’d expect to see people using on frozen mountains in the Himalayas (except those people have Sherpas to carry all their crap for them.)

    • BTDT, although the older I got, the better campstoves I carried. Carried. If you didn’t have to hike into your base camp on the first day or two, it ain’t camping!

  2. Yes, the family packed in our Ford Falcon wagon dad named “Whitey Ford”.

    Now go look him in your Funk & Wagnalls

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