How To Tell Biden Really Does Have Brain Damage

He thinks he can outlaw AR-15’s.

Ain’t you go some diapers to fill or something?

There is no way and no how you are going to outlaw AR-15’s asshole.

You might as well be yelling at the clouds.


11 thoughts on “How To Tell Biden Really Does Have Brain Damage

    • That didn’t stop Commiefornia from outlawing AR’s and other grandfathered sporting rifles. You can still get some neutered mutant, but no regular sporting rifles or carbines.

      • Californians are too guttles to use the only 2 options to right a Constitutional violation…one being court.

  1. Is he talking about the ugly gun ban under Clinton? Because other than cosmetic changes you could still get an AR platform. Costly and had to use pre- ban mags but not an actual outright ban.

    • More like the task Obama gave him– get another “assault weapons ban”, which resulted in the ridiculous “get a shotgun” and “fire two blasts in the air” statements.
      And he failed at the task, which might explain why Hillary was the 2016 nominee and not Joe.
      You never did ban them Joe, and you’re not going to.
      Molan Labe, MF.

  2. he just shot his self in the foot with the American people on that one. that’s what a sheltered life coupled with no common sense will do to a person

  3. he’ll forget this empty threat by the time his afternoon jello break comes around

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