How Do You Defend Against These Things?

Sparrow sized Kamikaze mini drones that are autonomous, run by AI and have a 3 gram shaped charge to blow your brains out. We knew this was coming. It’s here now.

You could be sitting at a light with the window down and one of these could Kamikaze right into the side of your head before your brain registered the noise coming.

Welcome to the 21st century.

22 thoughts on “How Do You Defend Against These Things?

  1. That specific clip is a fictional “Horror Short Film” by Alter, but the only thing preventing it from becoming reality is that batteries still have a terrible power-to-weight ratio, so a drone that small would have a very short range. For now…

  2. You don’t need the car window down, and you don’t need to be stopped; it could attack a moving vehicle from the top. It will be over your head and you won’t see it or hear it.

    Soon, America will have liberty and justice for all … the survivors. The political term for a person whose foreign policy doesn’t want to colonize their neighbors is “libertarian”. Soon everyone in America will be libertarians.

    You can’t appeal to your attackers’ conscience or shared values because they’re sociopaths and psychopaths and NPCs and their brain don’t contain that. The Bad People outnumber you. Complaining is not a military defense plan. Magic doesn’t work and you can’t achieve a result merely by wishing for it. You could try not obeying the laws which they use to oppress you. Or you could meekly get into whatever equivalent of the boxcar they’ve prepared for you. I know, you’re going to elect Trump, who didn’t do any of the things he promised to last time.

    • Currently, as of May 2024, the world record for the fastest ground speed by a battery-powered remote-controlled quadcopter is 298.47 mph (480.23 km/h), set by the Peregrine 2 drone.

      The kinetic power transfer on it’s own is enough to vaporize a head, remove a limb, or… God help you if you’re in a Level 4 vest and get hit straight on?

      In that case, your squash will head towards the Moon. Pardon the pun, but ‘headed into orbit’ so to speak.

      Both of your arms will head/fly in whatever compass direction they happened to be in or that you were pointing at…

      Lastly, your legs (and mind you, there ain’t going to be shit left of you otherwise) MIGHT settle and fall to the ground. IF you’re lucky.

      Who needs explosives?

      They’ve published A HUGE amount of books about KWs, kinetic weapons… they’re usually in the WW3/4 books launched from Platforms in Orbit… also called “Rods From God” and whatnot…

      KWs are as of now NOW realistic issues for the individual soldier… you don’t NEED a Mavic 2/3 with a contact detonated payload of buckshot/screws/bolts etc IF you have a decent AI, and the means to autonomously program a heavy-but-small drone moving exceptionally fast to wipe out someone.,.

      Jes’ Sayin’

  3. Earlier this year there was a blog argument about improvised COTS drones being able to carry an RPG warhead. Some were adamant that the “lift” wasn’t there. Fast forward 8 months and most of the war porn videos out of Ukr appear to show an RPG warhead (brown-ish, comical thing with a silver tip, below the camera). Saw a video yesterday that ~appears~ to show a drone that spools off a thin fiber optic behind it that eliminates jamming. Lancet drones used to have to actually hit the target, now (~maybe~ 2 videos) they detonate about 10 feet above and shoot a self-forging warhead at the target. The future comes at you fast…like drones.

  4. Offing one at a time isn’t what worries me, it’s the genocide weaponry that’s concerning.

  5. I read a novel in the late 80’s early 90’s that had drone swarm tech as a subplot in a novel. Can’t remember the name or author of it. Might have been one of Clancy’s tomes. I remember thinking that tech is going to be a game changer.

  6. Its better to maim than to kill. Killing only inflicts a one-time cost.

    On the other hand, genocide will prevent their children from retaliating in 15 years.

  7. So….WHO defines the BAD guys? The AI must have parameters to operate. Who inputs the data? I am guessing the highest bidder? We are now the bad guys on either side of the equation.

  8. Eventually, everyone will be assigned a drone at birth, just like a social security number. The purpose of the drone is to keep tabs on all citizens, constantly recording their actions and speech. I dont really think its all that far fetched.

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