6 thoughts on “Hey Filthie! Take Quartermaster back to your blog! Why did you let him off of his leash anyway!

  1. We are truly forsaken by man and by fate. Our feet blistered, our skin burned red and raw from the sun, covered in dust from days on the road… we come seeking acceptance, redemption and possibly fellowship.

    But! What do we find here? Catamites! Whores! Fornicators and sinners! We cast pearls before swine! And yet even here all we find is hatred and rejection.

    All I can do is stop, and shake the dust from my worn crocs and continue on my way!

    Think I’ll go to Big Country’s next…😂👍

  2. Sorry to trigger you CedarQ. The truth will sometimes do that.

    By the bye, I’m much older than the guy in the pic.

    • I am not triggered Qautarmasted, I am making fun of you. I tend to do that with commentators that espouse a truly ignorant philosophy and hard left regurgitated agitprop of npcs’… As old as you are, are you capable of reading his t-shirt, the last statement?

  3. Some people don’t want to see the truth because it contradicts what they’ve been taught their entire life.
    Waking up is hard, especially if you keep your eyes closed.

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