10 thoughts on “He’s Not Wrong

  1. The meal MMMMMM, especially the MFing corn bread.

    The video, rrrraaaallllpppphhhh. That beached whale in the yellow dress @1:01, disgusting.

  2. I was a northern 6th grade boy in a small town just northwest of Montgomery, Alabama after my dad was sent to the Air Force Command and Staff College at Maxwell A.F.B. in 1966. It was a … tumultuous time. Stories I’ve got, let me tell you. A benign one is school lunch cornbread. Whee dohggies, every day, no matter what else was on the menu, there was a slab o’ cornbread the size of a sheet of paper! (I may exaggerate, but only a bit.) And it was GOOD! I’d had cornbread, of course, but never in such astounding quantity or quality. The colored ladies in the kitchen, and that was the proper and polite term in those days, got quite a kick out of this young Yankee who was so enthusiastic about simple cornbread. I make some every once in a while, but this inspires me to do it much more often. And play the motherfuckin’ cornbread song in the background, of course!

  3. Unfortunately, sorghum molasses is no longer available on the store shelves – my mother used to make it the Southern way and always cooked it in a cast-iron pan.

    My lovely and excellent cook wife makes it the same way, but not having that molasses in it is just not the same (although it is still EXCELLENT!)

  4. Muhfukkin kahwnbred hell yeah. No to whatever that thing was gyratin’ at the end tho.

  5. Thanks so much for this! I’ve been laughing ever since I first watched it. I got tickled like I did when I was a teenager!

  6. My Eastern Kentucky Mountain Girl Wife makes her cornbread with creamed corn. I was born and raised outside Philly, I love the southern way of life. My the south rise again, I am Texan now!

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