13 thoughts on “He’s Not Wrong

  1. This is an information war. Most of what we are seeing is part of the largest psychological warfare campaign ever attempted against the human race. The commies have to destroy everything we hold dear plus everything we need to live normal life. They have to bring us to our knees so that we will BEG for their NWO salvation.
    They will fail but this is what it is going to take to wake up the normies and unite the people against our common, yet unseen enemy. Putin has upset the DS playground of corruption in Ukraine but this is only the start. The DS is fighting for their very existence. The tide will turn as truth comes out and people witness how evil the DS is but we are going to stare into the jaws of hell first. Prepare in every way you can. Don’t fall for their propaganda BS. It’s about to get fucking crazy!

      • Deep State. Want to know who they are? Look at EVERYONE in any position of power that is currently screaming about sanctioning Russia, EVERY ONE of those people hates you and is out to destroy your life. Take notes as there will be a test in the no too distant future.

        • Thanks. I’m no fan of our current government but should we really be rootin’ for Putin?

          • Putin is taking out the Bio Labs that our freaking government built in Ukraine which have been experimenting on the local people trying to perfect Bill gates new strain of small pox that targets slavic caucasians, ie, Russians.
            There is similar shit going on in Taiwan and China is going to go in and do the same damn thing.
            Putin is also taking down the NWO ‘s and it’s assetts as the Ukraine is their base.
            Karzakian Mafia basically.

          • I root for him as a Nationalist just like Trump. He wants the best for his country and people and like all countries his is under attack by the globalists. Putin is taking out the globalist trash in Ukraine. You can tell he has struck a nerve by the completely unprecedented, disproportionate response the entire world is now conducting against Putin.

    • Yeah well the credit card assholes cut russia off after this video was posted, they immediately switching to a chinese system. They also have CIPS with China. The end of the petrodollar is nigh upon us. When the dollar is no longer world reserve currency we are all fucked.

      I voted for trump but he is now controlled opposition. Don’t believe me, think back. Operation warp speed for the vaccine. You know the one that now has over 9000 side effects. He signed off on the first of many upcoming trillion dollar stimulus bills that gave more power to the government.

  2. I get the idea that the US no longer deserves to be trusted with the reserve currency status, but are people really going to trust China and Russia more than the US, even in our degraded state? I suppose it can be argued that all are equally bad. But remember that Russia’s economy is tiny, so they’d become China’s pet. The only economies that are large enough to matter are: US, China, Japan, and the Euro. All other currencies are too small, like Canada and Australia. Even an alliance between the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, china, and S Africa) might be big enough but that too would be dominated by China. And I can’t see India and Russia giving china essential control over their currencies. But the US and EU can’t be trusted either. What a mess.

    We’re in uncharted territory. There be dragons ahead.

    • Think of it this way: Nearly every govt. on earth, especially in the USA, is a puppet govt. controlled behind the scenes by by a single shadow govt. bent on controlling the entire world. The USA does not control the federal reserve or the reserve currency, they both are tools of control used by the shadow govt.. There is a titanic war being fought right now and very few people even see it. This war being fought is not even talked about in the news because the news is another tool of the shadow govt. that conducts psychological warfare against the entire human race. It really is amazing to watch.

  3. Well, what did he expect? Communists/marxists/liberals destroy everything they touch!

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