20 thoughts on “Henry Kissinger Finally Kicks The Bucket

      • why we don’t ship his ass to some country that wants him I don’t understand. oh, yeah. he paid off the right people.
        I think the Russians want his ass too. think of it as a gift to
        keep them happy ?

    • Schwartz György has been a painful chronic abscess on the hæmorrhoid otherwise called the EU, a weeping pustule on the phallus commonly known as the British Isles, and has become a well-hidden chancre, half-submerged lke a voracious crocodile, directing the flow in that cesspit built on the tidal flats where the Potomac, Anacostia, and Tiber meet.
      He will be found very shortly in his final resting place: either Antenora or Judecca.
      He has feasted on so many corpses he has caused to be murdered that I’m not certain if the angel who fell out of Heaven won’t build a special section of the 9th Circle just for this particularly odious excrescence.

  1. Finally! After reading several other articles at other middle and right leaning sites, I’m convinced that what my mother told is still true. If you don’t have anything good to say, don’t say anything.

    This is the guy, along with Nixon, who “opened up” China. Look where that’s got us since. He’s also the guy who was instrumental in stopping Israel from killing everyone that attacked them in ’73. Here we are 50 years and billions of dollars later in tribute to all the wrong people and they’re at it again.

    History repeats and rhymes.

  2. He died unpunished for his myriad crimes. Then let the deep state shills and khommies that are/will be eulogizing him on the TV be punished for his crimes.

  3. You all are missing the good points of Kissinger’s career. Most of the millions of people who died because of him had higher melanin levels and/or were commies. He was behind kicking the commies out of Argentina and Chile. No Kissinger, no Pinochet.

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