
Is Anyone Paying Attention?

Add to this the Wal Mart distribution center fire last week back in the Mid West, another fire at a Target warehouse in California and the Union Pacific Rail Road limiting fertilizer shipments to farmers smack dab in the planting season and you might come to the conclusion that there is Fuckery Afoot.

As a matter of fact,

I have told you and told you and told you that the Commie’s favorite weapon is food.

Are you starting to get the picture?

8 thoughts on “Hello?

  1. yup, the powerful assholes in the world hate us. and they want a good part of us dead. the evil little fuck called henry said it out loud a long time ago.
    to control countries, you use oil. to control people you use food. this nothing new really, old joe did just that to the uke’s back in the 1930’s. and tyrants did it almost forever before that. starting a garden and growing your own food is a must do thing we need to do. anyone with a wood stove should start saving your wood ashes to go on your or someone’s else garden. ad urine and you have the next best thing to the green stuff that most people use.
    that and canning food will be come a popular pastime here soon as the stores dry up. it weird how this country lets damn bear anyone buy land here. no other country does this. most of the big farms are owned by people OUTSIDE the country. and then we have bill gates who happens to own the most here.
    to him, at best we are ants at his party, something to step on. and they talk about the great reset and how we will be better off eating bugs and weeds.
    I don’t think so, myself. but when the food riots start and they will the way things are going, it not going to be a pretty sight. I wonder how good their guards are ?
    do they really think they are untouchable ? gas and oil mixed and poured down any air shaft will fuck up anyone inside any bunker. and why not set them on fire? remember, THEY WANT A GOOD PART OF US DEAD.
    they will need some people to do the things they don’t want to do- work.
    I think it more of the middle ages type of thing they want, them in castles and us in dirt floor huts working for them. and begging for scraps
    here a weird idea, start a garden club ! have other’s beside yourself start growing food. forget the lawn, you can’t eat grass, ask the Irish about that.
    group buy a couple of good canners and all the jars/lids you can find/afford
    get a few people to start chicken farming or whatever you call it.
    get a copy of the ball blue book and learn how to save and store food the safe way. someone get a good dehydrator and learn how to use it.
    a lot of the shit going down is looking like a plan to starve out a lot of people.
    and then there the not so small fact of everyone on the planet coming into this country that have no means of support but gov’t handouts by the billions. also paid by us. I mean just the fact that illegals get more from SSI than people who have paid into it for 40 plus years should tell us something about the assholes running this shit show. I guessing they think the illegals will obey them better ?
    and for all the bad guys out there who prey and live off others, we need to start hanging them again in the town square. or shoot them down where you find them. soros did a slick one there with the soft DA’s all over the place.
    after you get your weapons sorted out as what you may need. we best be getting all the food stuff you can. seeds, canners, dehydrators .water filters, SOAP!
    any OTC meds you can get. get a couple of good boots, work clothes
    a wood stove for cooking/heat if you can. I know they sold out here in Pa.
    the main problem is getting others to start helping themselves before it hits them in the face. by then, it will be too late for most folks.
    I need to get my gasifier project done. have a genset ready to go when I do.
    one thing my dad pointed out to me was the country went from the horse and buggy to the moon because of wide spread electric power inside of 50 years.
    power will be a must have item for lots of reasons. don’t forget that.
    and with the printing presses running flat out, how much longer do you think the dollar bill will be worth anything ?
    stuff is better than money. some french guy said it a long time ago, all paper money returns to it’s true value- paper and ink.
    anyway, I need to start a pot of coffee.

    • I forwarded your linked press-release to everybody I know.
      Moral Of The Story:
      * Acquire calories, expand the gardens.
      Of close to two hundred people receiving the link, I bet a half-dozen act on it.
      Maybe less.

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