13 thoughts on “Hell hath no fury, except what hell is in the cold

  1. It’s actually scheduled for Wednesday night – Thursday morning.

    Set your clocks accordingly.

    • First day of my rest of the year off vacation. Sleeping in. But then again, I live near the beach, so it’s only forecast to be in the low 30’s all day. Did I see a picture of a pot of ham hocks and beans earlier? Hmm?

  2. -52 here today. Weather station at the bush airport reported -65 with wind chill
    Dog even didn’t want to do much of anything after about 5 minutes of being outside bringing in firewood. I had to make her move from her spot in front of the wood stove so I could get the second load in. She has such a terrible live, I tell ya.

    • -42 at the hootch. My boiler circ pump picked a great night to crap out on me. Stove’s been goin full bore since last night.. I get the stink eye from derpy dawg if I even say outside.

    • WTF? I can’t even imagine that kind of wicked cold. Colder than a witch’s titty? I’ll take the heat and humidity any day before I hazard the hell of the frozen tundra. YMMV.

      Stay warm

  3. Power was out here from Thursday before dawn until midday Sunday. Never saw snowfall thatbwould yield a gallon of water from 5 gallons of snow and the “shadow cracks” in the plowed snow weren’t gray but a brilliant blue like ice pressure-ridges.

    Good thing the juice started flowing again, it was 10 below this morning….

  4. Fire hydrant to the dog: hey fido whatcha doin??.
    ahhh, that feels so good….

  5. It was a balmy 28F here in central New England this morning ~7:00.

    Predicted overnight temps in the teens starting Sat. thru most of next week. Not unheard of in these parts, at least over the course of my lifetime.

    Long range forecast for the rest of winter is for temps “above normal” according to NOAA, whatever that means.

  6. So thankful I’m going to see only 1 day of extreme cold (relatively speaking) – just catching an edge of this cold air. That’s what the weather guessers are saying, anyway. High Thursday around zero, then a return to warmer temps. Hope everyone stays warms and safe.

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