7 thoughts on “He Makes Some Good Points

  1. There is quite the selection to choose from, almost as good as in 2016 when three democrtats from New York City were the frontrunners for Big Chief.

    My bet is no matter what happens we get fucked again with a side of famine and blackouts.

  2. Before breakfast on January 21, 2025 I’d fire all of the WH staff including the switchboard operators, EVERY ONE of the Joint Chiefs and ALL of their immediate staffs, the Generals and Admirals in charge of Theaters around the world and ALL of their immediate staffs. I’d then call all of the Division Commanders of every armed division in the military into the WH and tell them I want a plan to bring all of our troops home 3 months from today WITH ALL OF THEIR EQUIPMENT. The plan on my desk by 08:00 January 27, 2025.

    The first officer that doesn’t come to attention, salute and exclaim YES SIR, RIGHT AWAY SIR or that raises any kind of an objection, or even has a sour expression on his face, you call to attention at the prescribed distance from the Resolute desk, strip him of his rank badges and his phones, tell him he’s fired and boot his ass(literally) out of the Oval office. Waiting outside that door will be a Secret Service detail to escort the malefactor off the WH grounds without benefit of his ride.

    The next meeting on January 21, 2025 is with all agency directors and their immediate staffs. You fire them all including all of the field office directors and their immediate staffs. You know, the ass kissers and dick suckers that are just taking up space.

    That right there would probably balance the budget.

    I might also reactivate General Milley, try him for treason and have him shot on the WH grounds with coverage by ABCCBSNBCCNN and NYTLAT&WAPO.

    That boolsheet Milley pulled calling the Chinese General and telling him that Miilley would warn him if Trump ordered an attack is beyond the pale. It also sends a clear message to the rest of those military dick lickers that think they can do whatever they want with no repercussions.

    This is how you make these MFers in the deep state pay attention. They’ve been accusing Trump publicly of wanting to be a dictator, give them some examples of what a dictator is really like.

    In the afternoon on January 21, 2025 I’d call a joint session of CONgress tell all of the leaders in both Houses that there’s a new sheriff in town and they’d better be doing the job they were elected for working for the American People and not themselves and their donors or wasting their time and borrowed taxpayer money with more boolsheet Impeachment processes because you never know what’s going to happen when things go bump in the night. Then watch them piss themselves when you stare them down.

    I’d say that’s a pretty good start.

    • Oh, forgot NATO. I’d stop making the yearly contribution and I’d tell all of the EU leaders to get their shit together and start ponying up because Putin is liking his lips looking at you defenseless idiots. I’d also tell them that the U.S.A. will not be making any more payments until ALL of the NATO countries have made up for their ALL of their previous shortfall in payments going back to 1945. That’s in addition to shutting down ALL U.S bases in EU and withdrawing all troops and equipment.

  3. Trump also said there’s room in his admin for the likes of Neocon Nikki.
    You’d have thought he had Haley figured out. But as I’ve always said, you can say all the mean & hateful things you want about Trump and then all you have to do is say one nice thing about him and it’s all forgotten.

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