29 thoughts on “Have You Done Your Part?

    • I had a devastating airplane mishap… There I was flying out over the Marianas Trench and my engine stopped in my Cessna 172! Oh no, falling from 30,000 feet I just had seconds to only grab water and saltine crackers and my trusty one man rubber ducky life raft and had to wave at my 300 gun arsenal and ammo goodbye feet from the water and I survived! My airplane, bent and battered sunk to 26.000 feet smack dab in the middle of the deepest part. That is my story and I am gonna stick to it!

      • Hmmm….,lost me firearms and all me gold/silver in a tragic kayak roll.

        When will this country enact some common sense boating laws?!

  1. What percentage of the world’s population is not permitted to own guns?
    What percentage of the world’s population cannot afford guns?
    What percentage of the world’s population cannot afford ammo?

    • When I arrived here in this country 42 years ago as a legal immigrant I did not understand the need for gun ownership.
      I am now the proud owner of my own small arsenal.
      (I love this country).

    • “What percentage of the world’s population cannot afford guns? What percentage of the world’s population cannot afford ammo?”

      Seems to me every occupant of every third world shit hole has an AK and enough ammo to mag dump the sky anytime they feel the urge. ;-))

      I was reading a piece about the dead Iranian president and his compadre a bit ago which indicated that people in Tehran were setting off fireworks. I’m thinking it was what I detailed above..

  2. Yes. Mine were not lost, nor are they buried.

    They are not locked up. They are loaded and in various places around the house.

    My ammunition for them is in one place simply because I don’t own a forklift.

  3. Us crazy Americans like to defend ourselves because the gman won’t.

  4. Not directly related to this post, but as the picture is probably a depiction of the Battle of breed’s Hill, wonder where the British dead wound up being buried?

  5. Doing my part, with what I got. If we were the problem it would be much more obvious.

  6. Certain subjects, and this is only one of them, are not discussed in electronic media. I’ll be happy to talk about it, but we have to leave our phones and computers behind while we walk about outside.

    • This.
      Be the grey man, until it’s time not to.

      That said, in past lives I have worn the uniform and been an FFL. .Gov already has my:
      Finger prints.
      Blood type.

  7. They honestly have no idea.
    They can’t even really realistically assume how much ammo is in our hands.
    They can only WAG.

  8. Let’s see: 46% of one billion is 460,000,000. That’s less than 2 firearms per person. I know there’s a lot of young’uns and libs out there but some of you people must be absolute pikers!

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