Have Some Internet

Remember twenty five, maybe thirty years ago before you started playing on the internet how you very rarely ran into truly fucking crazy people?

Good times eh?


You come across shit like this almost every fucking day and you wonder how the hell this shit seems to be everywhere now.

Congratulations if you made it all the way to the end.

You might be one of the rare people who sticks around to see just how fucked up it’s going to be so you can compare it to all the other horror shit you have seen over the last few years.

4 thoughts on “Have Some Internet

  1. Welcome to my past world. There have always been weird, strange, crazy, delusional, psychotic, vulgar, putrid people. They discovered the internet and attention they crave. Negative attention is as compelling to them as positive attention is, in fact crave it more so they can play the proper victim rage that you are not tolerate of their perspective and need to be punished and shamed for your bigoted, racist, world view. Have a nice day…

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