14 thoughts on “Happy Year of New 2023. May God have Mercy on our souls and lives. See ya on the other side…

  1. Eldorado
    Gaily bedight,
    A gallant knight,
    In sunshine and in shadow,
    Had journeyed long,
    Singing a song,
    In search of Eldorado.

    But he grew old—
    This knight so bold—
    And o’er his heart a shadow—
    Fell as he found
    No spot of ground
    That looked like Eldorado.

    And, as his strength
    Failed him at length,
    He met a pilgrim shadow—
    ‘Shadow,’ said he,
    ‘Where can it be—
    This land of Eldorado?’

    ‘Over the Mountains
    Of the Moon,
    Down the Valley of the Shadow,
    Ride, boldly ride,’
    The shade replied,—
    ‘If you seek for Eldorado!’

  2. Gonna watch the ball drop in NY at 21:00 here on the West coast, then go to bed like a sensible person should!

    Good Night, Gracie!!

  3. well, I am up, but mostly for the dog as there are a few clowns who feel the need to fire a few rounds off in the night.
    kind of weird in a way, of the last 2 dogs here, one hid in the bathtub and the other
    stood guard at the door.
    the new puppy is walking around and growling like mad at the sound.
    like he pissed that they woke him up.

    • At the slightest hint of gunshot or thunder, our Rosie turns into a quivering mess. Kinda sad, her mother was a champion bird-dog, but such is not for our pup.
      We only heard one pop last night around 9:00pm. We all slept soundly through what is usually an illegal fireworks hoopla all over town. Something is definitely “off”, here and in the world at large. To one and all: Keep your situational awareness in the yellow, and mind your OPSEC.

  4. Happy New Year BustedKnuckles nation!

    Can’t wait for the new abominations that Brandon is going to inflict on us this year.

  5. What do you Bustednuckles readers think: when selecting rope for the public hangings: go for natural fibres like jute, hemp or sisal; or a synthetic type? But not nylon, way too stretchy.

    • Olde school, hemp. It will be back in fashion soon for many things such as sails, clothes and other stuff.

  6. For rope, tree climbing safety line, synthetic, strong, (half inch 7,700 lb breaking strength), non-stretch, mildew, fungus, rot resistant, easy to clean, lasts a long time, useful for lots of other chores.
    I’ll have to put on pants for taking care of the pig (last one) and chickens. After that, sweats (jammies)!!

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