Happy Father’s Day

I hope you all had a chance to kick back and relax today.

I already know Rayburn didn’t, he sent me a video of a big 4 wheeler he’s has been rebuilding the engine on for a while now. Running like a top.

That guy amazes me.

I got my present yesterday.

The Wifely Unit got tired of my stubborn ass out here trying to keep up with the nightmare yardwork around this fucking joint and called my 3 kids behind my back.

They showed up with both Grandkids and I got a double bonus when my cousin from Texas showed up with my younger second cousin in tow!

Man did they go to town too.

They filled the back of my truck up 3 times with just yard debris. Trimming bushes, cutting down shit the wife wanted gone, raking and all kinds of shit.

It poured rain for about five minutes at one point but then it cleared up and the rain stayed away after that.

We couldn’t ask for more.

After the last load of brush and shit got hauled off, they filled the truck up again with a bunch of crap that needs to go to the dump, including that little chest freezer that died.

One of the two transfer stations around here is about a half a mile from where I work so I can just zip down there after I get off Monday.

Of course all I heard all day yesterday was “Sit Down Old Man” or words to that effect.

Drove me crazy but I still managed to get a few licks. The joke is on them though. I went out and mowed the lawn this morning and then dug my little mechanic’s stool on wheels and the pressure washer. I pressure washed the whole driveway and part of the sidewalk until I ran out of hose to stretch.

Sat down for that whole deal almost.

Still, that was more than enough. I’m pretty tired now and my legs gave out so that tells me I am done for today.

I want to thank everybody that came over and helped out. It was great to see you all.

I’m dead serious. It would have never happened without you.

Thank You.

So that’s it for me, I gotta get cleaned up and then I am going to sit here on my dead ass and surf the net for a while.

I hope all you Dads get to kick back today too.

12 thoughts on “Happy Father’s Day

  1. And a happy Father’s Day to you too and all the readers here


  2. Rainy as shit here in Florida today, so all the outside work I had on deck got put off.
    I forgot it was Father’s Day, but now I see why everyone left me alone while I was out in the garage sanding down 2 guitar necks and bodies that I’m repainting and rebuilding with all new hardware.
    Usually, I can’t even scratch my ass without someone wanting me to stop and do something for them.
    Happy Pappy day to all the others out there.

  3. Mrs. Bee and her mom cooked dinner. Slow cooker ribs, scalloped potatoes and garlic bread. Chocolate cake with whipped cream and strawberries for dessert. All homemade.

    I ain’t moving off this couch for at least another hour.

    Happy Father’s Day to all you fellas out there!

  4. Congratulations, ornery as ya are, seems you have a good bunch in the family. Enjoy what’s left of the day.

  5. Good to see you got the yard work done without having to lift as finger.
    Relax. You deserve a break!
    Besides, you have done enough work for family, they should repay some of that – every now and again.

    Rest up and enjoy what is left of the day.

    Whitehall, NY

    • 100% agree – you deserve the support, and I’m glad that you are appreciated. Pressure wash the driveway? Pictures of you scooting around on the wheelie would be priceless – thanks for the visual, but more so for the update.

  6. Good on you Phil for having a break and some much needed help. I hope and pray for some good news for you from the medical professionals one of these days soon.

    Yep, a late happy father’s day to all you dads. I hope you all had a great day and it wasn’t all spent on work.

    After pulling a twelve hour overnight shift daughter #2 came home to be here for father’s day, which was a treat. I had plans to sit on my ass today but that didn’t work out. First, the day started at 0100 hours this morning due to a major frost alert from 0100 to 0800 hours for today. Despite best efforts suffered a lot of frost damage to the garden.

    Then about the time I was going to come in for the day got a father’s day gift of three more swarms of honeybees coming into the apiary. That makes seven swarms so far this spring that came into the garden. I believe all of them came off the hives placed by the big commercial beekeepers in the canola fields. Naturally they all had to cluster almost out of reach up in a couple of trees. The third one came in almost at dusk and by that point I just said fuck it and cut the limb they were on off and then proceeded to collect the swarm at ground level. As mentioned daughter #2 was here and a great help in getting them installed into hives because my ass was really dragging by the time the third one was installed. It was dark by that point so it will get moved in the morning into a position in the apiary. It’s nice to see the apiary starting to grow again after the major losses from when I damned near cashed out year before last.

    Well time to eat some dinner and then call it a night.

    Have a good one all.


  7. That’s called a good day, my kinda day. Have a good week Phil.

  8. What I got was a thanks from my kids for being a good Dad. That’s all I needed.
    Hope all you guys who took the time to raise some kids with common sense had a great day.

  9. It was funny after being there for over 6 hrs we laughed driving away we didn’t mow the lawn

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