32 thoughts on “Hans, Get The Chainsaw

  1. “This one will obviously think twice before doing it again.”
    Wanna bet?
    And he’ll probably get reperations from the airport

  2. Vegan honey, natural bristle brush, and a quarter ton nest of angry, hungry meat ants. It’s green!

  3. Always did like that last scene in Mad Max where max gave the dirtbag a hacksaw and the choice of cutting his own hand off or dying. Sniff…such a great movie.

  4. I’m no genius but,
    if you want this kinda crap to stop,
    it has to be painful.

    I suggest you leave them right where they are.

    Set up a live cam ,
    set to 24/7 worldwide,
    Encircle them so no one will harm them by bringing “tainted food” or dangerous chisels. 200 yards should be plenty.

    Broadcast their heartfelt speeches,
    Their outrage,
    Their threats,
    The sun and dark and rain,
    The awkward shitting,
    The begging and pleading,
    The starving,
    The thirst.
    The screaming,
    And the gnawing off of hands.

    when they have freed themselves,
    arrest them and sentence them.

    I guaranGoddamntee, it won’t happen twice.

    Your pal

    • I will pay 1 ounce of solid 24kt gold for the opportunity to witness that event up close and personal with my own eyeballs.

      I’ll bring a video camera on tripod, a lawn chair with umbrella, a bucket of chicken, and a 12 pack of anything but bud.

  5. my recommendation:
    pour a pile of wet set concrete on his stuck hand and leave him there with cones around him.
    be the very last time he ever tries something like this.

  6. During the viet nam war , a protester laid on the railroad tracks coming out of the naval weapons depot in concord, ca. Son of a hitch , the train didn’t stop in time. Ol boy lost both of his legs. FAFO!

  7. I have an image I posted on my place back in ’19 that comes to mind. The French police took of a guy’s hand during the “Yellow Vest” protests over there. If the French can do it, we can.


    I’ve been thinking since I saw the first fools glue their hands to the pavement that it’s time for chain saws. Even if they just start the motor to get them to wet themselves it’s a good start. Like Scott Halloween says, “if you want this kinda crap to stop, it has to be painful.”

  8. place barracades around them, allow no one in to help them. put food and water just out of reach.

    wait few days, problem solved

  9. Scheisse: 1. German word for “crap” or “shit” 2. Exclamation frequently used by me when I am angry, frustrated, or surprised.

  10. Saw a pic earlier today of their hands stuck to the piece of cut out pavement, glorious

  11. might be better to have the people who have loss plane trips or whatever take it out on them. let the angry mob beat them to death right there.
    put that on the news and this shit will stop real fast.
    kind of like the clowns that block roadways and shit. let the people they fucking with deal with them. have the cops stand back and watch only.
    well, clean up the mess afterwards. maybe.
    seems like the fair way to handle the problem ?

  12. Could always build a scaffolding over them and put a shitter on it. Dinner and punishment. I know, I’m a little fucked up. All my friends know it and like me anyway

  13. They must be using some kind of Fast-Setting Epoxy, and that stuff gets Hot as it Reacts… chances are good that even if their Hands are carefully Chipped Out of it, the ‘Meat’ has been ‘Cooked’, and Gangrene will result.

    This level of Stupidity is so high that it would make Charlie Darwin wince…

  14. Chainsaw the hands off and Cauterize the stump Slowly. Make it has qworld wide news coverage

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