6 thoughts on “Handy Guide.

  1. And there are people out there looking at the symbols on the dash who are stupid enough to interpret the symbols as you described.

  2. I have most of the main ones figured out, if a new one pops up, I get the damn book and see what it is. waiting to get my old 94 4runner back from the shop.
    might not have GPS and all of the other fancy things in it. but it works well enough
    and I know how to use a map and compass. the GPS makes you lazy !
    and I can fix most things on the 94, can’t say that about the 2016 !

  3. I like dials and gauges a lot better. They tell you what is really happening so you can you own decisions and take appropriate steps and not be running off for someone to figure it out for you. These lights are for the stupid people who cannot make their own decisions.and turn everything over to the “experts” like those who turned their lives, and health, over to Dr. Fauci. —ken

  4. I really think they could roll all those indicators into one – a picture of Bill the Cat. It would be Most Appropriate!

    Now, I can fix every type of vehicle known to man because I’m just as handy at electronics as I am at mechanics, so guess what kind of vehicles I drive??

    That’s right, the simplest type of vehicle I can get away with. I have no choice with newer cars, but no way in hell am I gonna get anything more complex than a radio in my dash, and I’d get rid of the Engine Management Unit if I could. Unnecessarily complex and prone to break when you need ’em most. AND, I can read a MAP, be it Jepp chart, road atlas, or USGS contour map. And a compass.

    Does anybody know how to Dead Reckon? Nav by the stars? Determine latitude by the sun? Tell TIME by the sun? Good Stuff To Know, which I bet most of us here can do! Not too many idiots and snotflakes here at Busted Knuckles… if any!

    So, just exactly WHY am I putting a Megasquirt on my 1985 Beaver’s Chevy 427 truck engine? 4.3 MPG, THAT’s why! Carb doesn’t do a good enough job. TBI, by the way. I can probably tune it to get 6-8 MPG if I work at it. Fun stuff.

  5. My wife drives a Toyota Tundra. A light came on as she was driving it home from a dinner w/ friends. Sure looked like a cup of coffee. Well, nothing happened on the way home and the next morning it was still there. Turns out she had the ‘keep me between the lines’ feature activated and has strayed over one of the lines. The Truck was asking – are you sleepy, do yo need coffee? I cleared the issue and deactivated the ‘how to drive’ software. FYI, my wife does not drink coffee.

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