Halloween Is Right Around The Corner

I gotta get me one of the sick ass masks.

Not only will it scare the daylights out of the wee little Trick Or Treaters, it should also scare the shit out of the parents too!

Creepy looking thing.

13 thoughts on “Halloween Is Right Around The Corner

  1. Not only is Maxine fugly, her constituents don’t have two brain cells to rub together. They keep voting for her even though she doesn’t actually live in their district. She supposedly owns property in the district, but resides in a tony mansion just across the district border. Same as the Demonrat “people’s champion” that reps my district.

    The good news of the week is Menendez got caught taking bribes AGAIN. Course it’s just another distraction to steer the sheep away from the Bribem crime family. Look! Over there! Squirrel!

    • yeah, I wonder if there is anyone in congress NOT taking bribe money ? although Menendez has always been sleazy to me.
      I think there even where pictures of the old goat with much younger ‘
      ladies too. I thinking hanging in the public square might slow this kind of shit down a bit. or maybe not.
      either way, I still think Hunter is going to skate on the charges.
      if the little prick had to face hard time, he would be shouting to anyone to make a deal to stay out of prison. and dear old dad and the rest of the scum in DC couldn’t have that. no, he will have a accident first before he “talks” and sinks over half of the Dc clowns.
      but he doesn’t have to worry about it. we don’t have a fair justice system here anymore.

  2. Funny how we haven’t heard from her lately must not be up for election needun money. Pelosi mask comes in second to this

  3. That picture gave me a start. Amazing that she does not have to replace all the reflective surfaces in her dwelling every day. It IS death warmed over. And it even goes beyond the bone to the marrow. This is the first sigh post you will see going to Hell.

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