7 thoughts on “Had to do this, this morning. I hate robot phone systems and companies that do this.

  1. I hate when the robot says “your call is important to us, blah blah blah”. If my call really was important then your would have a person answering the phone, not a machine!

  2. And I also hate when, every 30 seconds, they utilize the call to try and sell you something else, because you’re a captive audience.

  3. I usually say “I want to talk to a person”. When that doesn’t work, I start yelling “Account Representative” That mostly doesn’t work either, but it actually lowers my aggressive direction.

    The frosting is “we are experiencing high call volumes, please remain on the line for the next available representative”.

    What really lights my fuse, is when, after yelling for a little while, the robot voice returns to the main menu and repeats the greeting and options spiel.


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