Gunday Monday, XXIV

Contributed by Don’t mind me and Wild, wild West.



Has extra class 4 armor…


Sandy, I didn’t know you knew how to screw on a suppressor.


Aren’t we all?







I still do it, behind my recliner with all four John Wicks…
























I really want one of those! The M-14 that is…










32 thoughts on “Gunday Monday, XXIV

  1. I’ve got the Mini14 from Ruger (stainless w/synthetic stock), slapped an Eotech on it, it’s a blast!

  2. The WWW #4 (Oh what a lovely war) – I have in my life known several people who were in the military not out of patrioism or duty or self development or any reason other than the fact that they liked the work. I know one guy who was a retired fighter pilot with a couple of tours in Nam and lots of combat experience. I asked him why he didn’t pursue a career as a civilian pilot and he said “No guns, bombs or rockets? Where’s the fun in that?” I asked another Vietnamese friend who was also formerly a fighter pilot in the Viet Namese Air Force the same question. Answer: “If you don’t get to kill communists what’s the point?”

  3. I didn’t make the list with my preferred home defense weapon, an AR pistol in 10mm with a 10″ barrel.

  4. I’ve been a daily visitor here for years. I usually check in a couple of times a day. The content has been funny and thought provoking, the back and forth between the regulars is entertaining. All of which is to say thank you.

    The “Doesn’t the Milky Way look like a giant gash” entry took me off guard. Not used to seeing that kind of thing here. My skin’s pretty thick, but this entry is over the line for me. If it’s the new direction of the blog, well – it’s your blog. I think most of the women readers will quietly stop visiting.

    • We can be irrelevant and me and Phil have posted a lot worse in the past. Now, “gash” has a few definitions, to whom and what are you referring too? I said it looks like a gash. Might we lift our collective feet out of the gutter to allow you to flow on past? Well, our female readers understand this is a old man’s and fart blog and I and most of the male readers understand the female readers to be adults, have common sense and are not prone to swoon over a few gaffes and questionable memes. I was a charge nurse of a typical med/surg unit with about 15 female nurses a night and they could tell the most appalling and ribald jokes and comments that made me blush, so maybe quit white knighting and sit back, enjoy the show and I thank you for at least putting up thus far. It might get worse, it certainly isn’t going to get nice…

      • No offense to ThinkingOutLoud, but well said CederQ, well said. I come here just to see how far the blog hosts will push the envelope of appropriateness. I haven’t been disappointed yet. My kind of humor 😁. But then again, we nurses do tend to have a warped sense of humor. And I too may have caused some of the readers here to gasp, clutch their pearls and blush at some of my comments. Sorry. I don’t have a filter. I may not comment much ongoing (cause reasons) but I will not quietly stop visiting. I will continue to visit and lurk and enjoy the content of the blog. Take care all.

      • Um…y’all were trying to be offensive! Dammit, I missed it, again. I spent most of my working life being one of the few women in the building or work area. Visiting this spot in cyberspace is almost like being in the break room at work.  Thanks, for keeping it real.

    • Third down on the sidebar there’s a wee black and yellow box you need to look at.

  5. Dmm:

    10: Great tits. Great trigger discipline and doesn’t point the gun at the cameraman.

    16: Just awesome.


    3: This is my favorite. Reminds me of the Mona Lisa.

    16: This just makes me happy to see.

    18: Hilarious !!

    • Who is Bert Gummer? A Aussie relative of yours? You made me look up, he was on Tremors and now I know. If he shows up for sure, I would put him before Dmm and WwWest…

      • Maybe Johno can put a Aussie collection together for you. It would mostly be single shots, slingshots, air rifles, and boomerangs though.

        • It could only literally be a virtual collection, as I don’t have access to any guns anymore. Be a bit pointless if I did because I can’t see well enough to shoot now anyway, well, to hit the target I mean.
          Although there is a big wind from Alaska that I could trounce!
          There wouldn’t be any airguns in any such list as they’re classified as Cat. A firearms in each state’s bullshit regulations. That comes with living in a Socialist police state.

  6. DMM #1 Well, he would have a hard time finding cover.
    DMM #18 Russian anti-tank rifle from the late ’30s?

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