Gunday Monday XV

Contributed by Don’t mind me and Wild, wild West.

I have it on good authority this is Dmm’s better half and his basement…
Dmm wants you to name the rifle.

Wild,wild West: Marksmanship Edition, Volume I.


Sure might be Tactical Hermit…

16 thoughts on “Gunday Monday XV

  1. MAS-49 with the lovely redhead handling her business.

    Got a good chuckle from the baby penguin flightless bird meme.

      • Braze one of those huge mag catches onto the side of a FAL or SLR mag if you want more capacity.
        Only the Frogs would think of mounting the catch on each box magazine instead of on the rifle itself. They’re not only Vichy Swine, but arrogant with it, and make weird guns, though accurate ones. I used to own a DES 69 standard pistol, and a MAS 36 service rifle, and yes, in good condition as only dropped the once.

      • Yep, Froggy Rifle. Had one “Rechambered to 308”.

        Hardest kicking rifle, I owned aside from a 303 Jungle Carbine.

        Jam-o-matic with the “Rechambering”.

        I think I traded it for the 303 Jungle Carbine LOL.

    • Yes, they can fly, in Chinese. They fly up velly werr.
      Actually, I know they can fly, but they don’t go far.

  2. #3 Would someone please tell that women to get out of the way. I can’t see all of the fine wall decorations.

    Evil Franklin

  3. Never mind naming that frog rifle; the important thing is the cowgirl with the SAA is Candy Barr.

  4. I can’t see too well, what is the lever gun over that blonde chick’s left shoulder, high up on the display boarf?

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