11 thoughts on “Gunday Monday

  1. The “lady don’t argue with a burglar” ad. reminds me what my dad told me once.
    Dad was born in 1915 and he says what he is going to tell me happened around 1925. Grandad was a railroad man so he was away working. Grandmother and dad where in their 2nd floor apartment. When grandmother heard someone climbing up the side of the building to get to their apt. She grabbed her Iver-Johnson hammerless revolver and basted a few rounds out the window. Dad said you could hear the guy hit the ground and then start running through hedges and bushes. At a very fast pace too he said. I’ve still got the pistol and occasionally I’ll fire a few rounds (.38 S&W) down range.

  2. And if the Europeans resisted and the burglar was injured, the burglar would go free with compensation and the resister would be jailed.

  3. back in the 1990’s Sten gun parts kits where like 49 or 69 bucks a pop. and less if you bought 3 or more of them. I didn’t. wish now I did though. same with the Uzi kits years later, like 129 or so. again I didn’t. and I like the damn Uzi too.
    but my brother said, you put one together and then get caught with it.
    10 to 20 years in a federal pen.
    mom had a heavy barrel Smith 38 spl. she liked it better than the 1911 that dad had. she did have a 22lr. Smith but that got lost somewhere along the time line.
    or she sold it or maybe gave it away. don’t know. never thought to ask her about it.
    best ham shoot gun I ever used was a old single barrel shotgun made by Iver Johnson in 12 gauge. my brother got that gun.

  4. Those old Winchester ads were mostly the artwork of Philip R. Goodwin –

    I always forget to include him in a list of great Western artists such as Frederic Remington and Charlie Russell, but his works were every bit as impressive.

    My only regret in not being a rich man is in not being able to own some of those great works of art based on the history of the West.

  5. .357 is the smallest caliber I’ll carry. The Wifey Unit has to have a .38, she doesn’t have the wrist for anything stronger. I reload to the maximum chamber pressure the gun will withstand, caliber notwithstanding. Hot loads are for doing damage!

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